After running Defraggler on my HD's I still have 40% and 70% defragmentation on 2 drives. I've tried adjusting the setting and I've looked up all the Doc's and help section in Support. The files that are on these 2 drives are my DVD backups which are usually between 700 MB and 1.4 GB in size. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong in the settings or give any suggestions?
also, try selecting each of those files manually in File List, right click, Move highlighted to end of drive.
if mtas advice not work, copy your dvd-backups to ... usbstick or so ... defrag your hdds ... then move your copy dvd-backups from usbstick back to your hdd. perhaps this helps (and your hdds have a lot of work less.)
Thanks Guys for the advise. I worked out that if I go into "File List" and either check or highlight the fragmented files I can force them to defraged. It's a longer and more tedious way of doing things be it appears to reduce the overall disk fragmentation.