when the ccleaner beta is out i download it and the" hotfixx unnistallers " delete all the unnistallers for hotfixx
so i have to format my machine and i donwload ccleaner again
I'm sorry, but I am a bit confused by your post. You run the CCleaner 1.27 beta, and have the Hotfix uninstallers removed, and then you format your computer?! Why in the heck would you format after running CCleaner? Just for kicks? That means that you have to reinstall Windows and reinstall all of the Windows Updates (at least a 4 hour process), and then reinstall CCleaner and do it all over again?! Either you are using the wrong word (format), or you like to hear your hard drive spin.
But, to remove Hotfix uninstallers from your Uninstall list, I would recommend opening CCleaner before you format your computer, run an Issues scan, and remove any entries pertaining to the Hotfix uninstallers. This might remove the entries from the list (and save you about a month of Windows reinstalls and updates!).
you helped me about a similar question few weeks ago.now, for private subjects i have to formate this machine.after having formatted and made all of the updatings of the windows I donwload ccleaner again and run it.and the hottfixx unistallers are not delete. they only disappeared when I scan for issues in registry.
of the first time it seems it was not me like this
it seems that the hotfixx unnistalers disappeared soon after run the program and not after scan for registry issues.but I can be wrong
I wait to have left my clearer subject
thank you
my dear lokoike
let me try to make myself clear
you helped me about a similar question few weeks ago.now, for private subjects i have to formate this machine.after having formatted and made all of the updatings of the windows I donwload ccleaner again and run it.and the hottfixx unistallers are not delete. they only disappeared when I scan for issues in registry.
of the first time it seems it was not me like this
it seems that the hotfixx unnistalers disappeared soon after run the program and not after scan for registry issues.but I can be wrong
you helped me about a similar question few weeks ago.now, for private subjects i have to formate this machine.after having formatted and made all of the updatings of the windows I donwload ccleaner again and run it.and the hottfixx unistallers are not delete. they only disappeared when I scan for issues in registry.
of the first time it seems it was not me like this
it seems that the hotfixx unnistalers disappeared soon after run the program and not after scan for registry issues.but I can be wrong
I wait to have left my clearer subject
I think I understand now, but let me restate what you said, just to make sure I have it right.
You formatted your computer, downloaded Windows Updates, and then ran CCleaner to remove the Hotfix uninstallers, but they were still on your system, correct?
But then after you removed the related registry issues, the updates no longer showed up in Add or Remove Programs. But you think there is also a possibility that the registry issues may not have been what caused them to no longer show up in the list.
So, you aren't sure whether it was the removal of registry issues, or the removal of Hotfix uninstallers checkbox, that fully removed your uninstallers, right? Well, if that is what you are curious about, I don't know.
I know that checking the Hotfix uninstaller box will remove the uninstallers (the actual files), but Windows may still register that they are there, even thought they aren't. If it does, run an Issues scan and remove the items that pertain to Hotfix uninstallers. That is the only for sure way that you can make Windows realize they aren't there anymore.
Hope I understood you correctly, and I apologize if I goofed something up!
now its my turn to say u dont have to apologyze for nothing
just let me say somethings
at the first time you helped me i delete the hotfix unninstalers just running ccleaner(NOT A REGISTRY ISSUES SCAN)and now i format my computer ,donwload all the windows hottfixx and donwload ccleaner again and run ccleaner
so its a surprise to me when i see all the hotfixx unnistalers still in ccleaner unninstal programs list.but not in windows remove/add program
and when i scan for register issues with ccleaner the program found the unninstallers and erase it
like i said before,at the first time ,it seens to me i deleted the hottfixx unnistalers after run ccleaner and not a registry issues scan
if you have more to say about it please ,i will glad to learn more with you
if not i just have to say thank you again and again
so its a surprise to me when i see all the hotfixx unnistalers still in ccleaner unninstal programs list.but not in windows remove/add program
Oh, I get it; the Hotfix uninstallers show up in the CCleaner list, but not the Windows list. That is very strange indeed, and it sounds like a possible bug. I do have one thought on it:
Perhaps when you start CCleaner, it makes the list of programs on your computer for its Uninstall list, and when you remove the Hotfix uninstallers, perhaps CCleaner doesn't go and automatically update the programs in its Uninstall list until you restart the program. That is my best guess.
The way to test this would be to remove the Hotfix uninstallers with CCleaner, and then check the CCleaner program list to see if they are still listed. If they are, close and then re-open CCleaner, and check the programs list a second time. If the uninstallers are no longer listed, it is a bug in CCleaner that won't refresh the Uninstall list until CCleaner is restarted. You probably won't be able to test this, since you already removed your Hotfix uninstallers, but maybe if anyone else is reading this?
You may have found a bug vecchio! Sorry it took so long for me to understand the problem. Hope this helps!