Windows sets aside free space for the Master File Table region for some reason, and if a file is written into that zone, the region shrinks, and then, the MFT records file will become fragmented. So why is Defraggler putting files in the MFT zone?!
Can you run Defraggler in debug mode
and post the log here and we will look into this
Umm, unfortunately...
The debug file is quite large, about 38.6 MB. Attaching this debug log is impossible.
But then, I compressed the file into zip format and it worked quite well. The file attacher wouldn't handle 7z files, so I made that instead. It would have taken me up to 45 minutes to send off this debug file without compressing it.
An update: This is definitely a bug in Defraggler. Even though I still saw the MFT region marked purple on the disk map, when I looked at it through another tool, such as O&O Defrag, I saw that the entire free-space region was completely covered in data! I'm trying my best and using all these other tools to help restore order and chaos before my next reboot...
A fix for this issue will be included in the next release.
Hi EclipseWebJS,
I have met the same prob with you.
Good news is Windows' default defragmenter dfrg.msc can fix MFT.
Sorry for bringing up an old thread, but I just recently noticed that the "Quick Defrag" option introduced in v1.12.152 moves the files it defragments into MFT Zone. I can verify this by performing analysis and clicking the purple blocks. Before quick defrag only the first and the last blocks are clickable - the first containing $MFT itself, and the last obviously being other files sitting immediately after the MFT zone. After quick defrag these blocks become filled with random files.
I think this should be fixed.
The good thing is that highlighting a purple block, selecting all files and defragging moves them out of the MFT zone, even if the files are not fragmented.
please keep also my bug post in mind... lost partition table! check the new version 1.12 for this..