Startup Parameters Explanation?

Can someone explain all the startup parameters to me and tell me if there are more? I only found this and that.


Thanks :)

if you start ccleaner with via prompt or start-->execute (in german "ausführen")

"ccleaner /tools" --> that means ccleaner started with


--> that means ccleaner started with the "tools" -view


and so on...

the same as with:

ccleaner /options --> started ccleaner with options-view

... /cleaner --> started ccleaner with cleaner-view

... /registry --> started ccleaner with registry-view

ccleaner /clean

or /update

or /analyze seems to be only for the business-edition and technician-edition

ccleaner /monitor --> started ccleaner "active monitoring" feature without "system monitoring"

the same with /monitoring

CCleaner.exe /AUTO -> CCleaner runs silently and automatically, using the current set of saved options to clean the PC. CCleaner then exits.

CCleaner.exe /AUTO /SHUTDOWN -> CCleaner runs silently and automatically, using the current set of saved options to clean the PC. Windows then shuts down automatically..

Note: You cannot run /SHUTDOWN by itself. It must be preceded by /AUTO.

CCleaner.exe /EXPORT -> CCleaner exports the cleaning rules to the INI files. Three INI files will be created in the CCleaner's installation folder - winapp.ini, winreg.ini and winsys.ini. They contain cleaning rules for the Application section, Registry Cleaner and the Windows section respectively.

like the description of the documentation

ccleaner /register seems also to be for business-edition...

/advanced with no function in my try with ccleaner free

/scanreg... -"-

Whats the difference between /AUTO and /AUTORB and /AUTOJL?

CCleaner.exe /AUTO -> CCleaner runs silently and automatically, using the current set of saved options to clean the PC. CCleaner then exits.

/autorb seems to be the same as /auto

/autojl shows only the cleaner in my case

Note: When you run CCleaner.exe using the /AUTO parameter, CCleaner does not run the Registry cleaner. You cannot currently run the Registry cleaner through a command-line parameter

(this command line parameters as autorb/autojl seems not to be in the documentation. is there a complete list somewhere?)

Where did you find these command switches?

I've been here a while and I've never seen half almost all of these; the only ones I know are the ones listed on your first link

I've been here a while and I've never seen half almost all of these; the only ones I know are the ones listed on your first link

I knew about some of them, but never use any of them.

Just search for strings starting with "/" in the CCleaner.exe file with a tool like Process Explorer.
