Startup Item won't permenantly delete

When booting up, my computer displays an annoying error message that says: "Cannot find c:/Program. When I run CCleaner/Tools/Startup, it shows an item for which the program had been previously removed using Window's Uninstall.

What comes up is this:

HKLM: Run Once EPSON SPLASH C:\Program Files\PhotoDeluxe 2.0\EpsonGPE\Startup.exe

I choose the DELETE option, and the next time I boot up, everything is fine and the Windows error message does not come up. Usually the 2nd or 3rd time I boot my computer, the Cannot find C:/Program error reappears, and so does the EPSON SPLASH item above. I've run this with both my antivirus and Spysweeper programs disabled, but this thing keeps coming back to life.

sounds like you need to go to C:\Program Files\PhotoDeluxe 2.0\EpsonGPE\ and find the program.

go in that program and remove it from startup.

its a printer, right?

the above is a program which includes teatimer.

what teatimer does is it disables anything to add its self to the startup list unless you allow it.

Thanks but I had removed that program a long, long time ago (through the Windows Uninstall). The program has been gone for a long time...this item keeps coming up nonetheless.

It wasn't a printer program (when it was installed and uninstalled). It was an Adobe program that came with the printer CD.

It is not in the Window's startup because the program (as I mentioned before) had been removed a long time ago. It only shows up in CCleaner, so there's still some remnant of it out there.

I've had this problem but I actually forgot where I looked for help to solve the problem. Couldn't hurt searching for google for an anwser.

firstly, check start>programs>startup and make sure its not in there.

then unzip and run this attachment which will check whats starting up on your computer.

it will open up a notepad with text in it.

please post back all of the text within that notepad.

It wouldn't hurt to look in some Windows .ini files for a reference to it as that's a way some apps can revive themselves even if they're gone, the two files to check would be:

* C:\Windows\System.ini

* C:\Windows\Win.ini