Started getting msvcr71.dll not found messages after Jan 28 update of CCleaner

Not sure if it is related or not, but shortly after updating CCleaner to the latest version on 28 Jan 2010 I began to have trouble opening AOL with the message that msvcr71.dll was not found. I used the Restore operation to go back to Jan 27 and the problem seemed solved, but really it only last a few hours, then the problem came right back, but I had used CCleaner in the meantime. Now today almost every program is giving me that message when I try to open them, and I can't even open Help to try to Restore my system to an earlier time??

Anyone else having this problem?? Any idea if it is related to CCleaner or the most recent update??

That seems weird. A single dll making your programs bad. I guess it might a virus since even if you did try to restore from a backup the problem reappears. Could be a virus.

Seems like a common missing file issue: