Hello to Lounge Dwellers,

I have only just started using C.Cleaner. Could anyone give me advice on using the "START" option in TOOLS.?

It shows I have a really long list of programs in this START area, some of which I rarely use, and I wonder whether this is the reason why my computer now takes ages to get going.

If you delete some of the entries which are not currently used eg. Nero Start - can you start the program when you need to use it by selecting it in the "All Programs" list? Do you affect how the program runs by deleting it from the START option?

What about programs such as Java and Adobe Reader???

Thanks in anticipation of help.

Just a word of caution CCleaner's ability to remove startup programs has no backup facility, so once you select Delete something it's gone with no restore option.

If you'd like to be able to restore a startup program that you later find out is needed instead use what's already included in Windows by doing the following:

Click Start > Run > type in: MSCONFIG

If you need to find out what some of the processes are that start with your system check out

I would actually suggest that you remove (unistall) the program you no longer want first.

If you already have, and the entry remains in the start option, then by all means try to delete it.

But, remove it first through convential means (control panel / unistall) before you try to remove these entries.

If you delete some of the entries which are not currently used eg. Nero Start - can you start the program when you need to use it by selecting it in the "All Programs" list? Do you affect how the program runs by deleting it from the START option?

I've just re-read your post and - eep!

Let me explain, these entries in the startup menu are (for the most part) programs that run invisibly on your computer, and need to run at startup.

Some programs, if you dissallow the startup of the programs (by removing threm from this menu) , then the boot-up may be unsuccessful.

Other than software I've installed/purchased, the only process in startup is HotKeysCmds. I believe there was one other one before I disabled Indexing (a performance tweak I read somewhere). I'm probably the last guy in the world to be giving advice, however, Adobe and Java (is it Java update you see?) are perfect examples of features that function just fine without starting at boot up. Another thing, if you have Windows Defender you can just disable them, that way if something isn't working you can just re-enable.
