Starred items (Winapp2.ini): ???

Very simple question.

Booted Winapp2.ini in Custom clean/Applications you get some items labelled with a small star : what does it mean?


Star means it's a winapp2 entry. The star was added to the entries so that ini provided entries are identifiable


Maybe you could add an explanation tag somewhere on screen.

That's beyond what a user community (which the winapp2 template is) can do.

Maybe a note somewhere in the official CC documentation?

TBH though most of the Piriform documentation is out of date.

I guess it's another thing on the 'to do' list?

10 minutes ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Maybe a note somewhere in the official CC documentation?

		TBH though most of the Piriform documentation is out of date.

		I guess it's another thing on the 'to do' list?

The star is not by piriform design, it was a decision made, by the community, long ago to differentiate our entries from piriform's. The official page for winapp2 explanation is still valid and accurate.

Official documentation does mention it, though they stick their star at the beginning, putting it in the end allows the list to be sorted alphabetically.

From the link in my signature

<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		The first line is the name of the application in square brackets with an asterisk: [*Application]

			We recommend that you use an asterisk in the application's name so that you can easily distinguish between default and custom applications in the INI file. The asterisk has no programmatic effect.
			Example: [*Avant Browser]

I understand that, but maybe the 'official' Piriform documentation could/should also explain it more prominently.

Espically as winapp2 is so popular.

As I've said before it's good that Pirifom allow such user customisation, many wouldn't.