Standby Mode in XP

On my Windows XP machine, I have the "Power Options" settings (Control Panel), set to go into "Standby" after 1 hour of inactivity. However, it never seems to activate -- never goes to Standby. I've tried different time options, but that doesn't seem to help. A while back it was working fine, but for some reason, it no longer does.

Any thoughts as to why this won't kick in the way it's supposed to?

I can't answer your question Tom, but it might be worth mentioning that I discovered by chance last year while trying to solve a BSOD problem, that the old Blue Screen Of Death can be triggered by coming out of standby in XP. Since then, I've never used it.

Googling "BSOD after Standby in XP" pops up 163,000 results.

Not scare mongering here, as it may never happen to you, or anyone else on here, but it is definitely a possibility with XP, therefore worth a mention.

Interesting bit of info, Dennis -- thanks for the heads up. Maybe I need to re-think the whole thing :). I'll do a little "Googling" to see what I can learn.

On the other side of this I use Stand Buy probably 20 times a day on my laptops and have never had an issue in 3 years. I reboot them about once a week the rest of the time I close the lid and it goes into Stand By.

On the other side of this I use Stand Buy probably 20 times a day on my laptops and have never had an issue in 3 years. I reboot them about once a week the rest of the time I close the lid and it goes into Stand By.

And it'll probably go on doing that Anthony with no problems at all, but if it ever does happen, you'll have a good idea where to look first.

Forewarned is forearmed as they say.

Standby & Hibernate are like pillsbury grands biscuits,


On the other side of this I use Stand Buy probably 20 times a day on my laptops and have never had an issue in 3 years. I reboot them about once a week the rest of the time I close the lid and it goes into Stand By.

I used to do a lot of presentations with my laptop so I would close the lid and trundle off to the presentation then upon my return resume the system after I had re-connected to the LAN only to be greeted with the dreaded Unable to connect message. A reboot was the only thing that would reset the PCMCIA LAN card so I gave up on Standby.

I used to do a lot of presentations with my laptop so I would close the lid and trundle off to the presentation then upon my return resume the system after I had re-connected to the LAN only to be greeted with the dreaded Unable to connect message. A reboot was the only thing that would reset the PCMCIA LAN card so I gave up on Standby.

Both my laptops are on Wireless and this is not an issue for me. Like I said I use it about 20 times a day. It would be foolish and a waste of time for me to shut off my laptops every time I wanted to stop using them. I am in and out of them all day long so I just shut the lid and it goes into Standby. I can only assume there is something wrong with people's set ups if this is a problem for you. I have had other laptops and they didn't have a problem either.