Spyware Blaster Problem

One of my favorite security programs is getting terminated whenever I click on enable all protection.

An error message comes up saying: Error: Access violation at 0x005F71FC (tried to read from 0x067B038C), program terminated.

I've never had this problem before and I've tried reinstalling. Please help, I can't do without Spyware Blasters protection! :(

One of my favorite security programs is getting terminated whenever I click on enable all protection.

An error message comes up saying: Error: Access violation at 0x005F71FC (tried to read from 0x067B038C), program terminated.

I've never had this problem before and I've tried reinstalling. Please help, I can't do without Spyware Blasters protection! :(

What fav security program? You need to state what it is in order to get proper help.

Also submitting a support request to both programs developers may make for a quick solution, as in bugfixing a conflict.

What fav security program? You need to state what it is in order to get proper help.

Also submitting a support request to both programs developers may make for a quick solution, as in bugfixing a conflict.

Spyware blaster is the program, and I've had the same problem. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no luck. I presumed it was a Vista problem. I've uninstalled and will try the program again after the next update.

Its SpywareBlaster but it has not been Vista certified yet.


One of my favorite security programs is getting terminated whenever I click on enable all protection.

An error message comes up saying: Error: Access violation at 0x005F71FC (tried to read from 0x067B038C), program terminated.

I've never had this problem before and I've tried reinstalling. Please help, I can't do without Spyware Blasters protection! :(

Hi Icedrake,

If you have Firefox+Spyware Blaster+Spybot and punycode problems (takes all 4) then look here.



:) davey

You gotta watch out and be sure you got your punycode correct. Sounds like a virus to me.

More information on punycode, for anyone who's curious: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punycode

I guess that includes us IE7 users also? Naagh!!!

Spyware blaster is the program, and I've had the same problem. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no luck. I presumed it was a Vista problem. I've uninstalled and will try the program again after the next update.

See the above reply.

:) davey

Thanks for the help, everyone! I got my Spyware Blaster working again by unimmunizing Spybot and then enabling Spyware Blaster and then immunizing Spybot again. :)