Well Lucky, either you were unlucky, or I was lucky. ![:)]()
I didn't have too many problems with the old 330, but as a freebie with my broadband package, it wasn't gonna be the best modem available. Although saying that, it handled large downloads without any problems.
The Internet being what it is, it's sometimes hard to actually pin down the real cause of an issue. What you think is being caused by your modem, may in fact be an issue with your ISP, or even Line Quality. Or visa versa.
I've now had a Belkin modem/router for a couple of months or so, and at first I thought I had a faulty one because my connection kept dropping out.
Tried first with my ISP, who told me their end was working perfectly, so it must be the router. Tried Belkin support, and they came to the conclusion (after hearing what my ISP said), that the Router must be losing it's settings. So I exchanged it.
Connected the new one up, and after a couple of days, the connection started dropping out again, and to cut a longish story short, the support guy I spoke to this time at my ISP, actually took the trouble to do a lengthy line check.
He discovered a fault at my exchange, and although it took a couple of attempts to get it fixed, my connection is now rock steady. So I probably exchanged a perfectly good Modem\Router for nothing.
I mention this in case other folk have had, or may have, similar problems. It isn't always straightforward to find the cause of a problem, as you're dealing with different possible causes, and different companies. It can be hard work finding out who's to blame.