My setting to do this for some unknown reason reverted back the other day, which brought it to my attention, so I thought I'd stick it here for those who may not know about it.
When you open a folder with Windows Explorer, each and every time Windows by default searches for the location of Network Folders and Printers.
If you don't need this, open any Windows Explorer window, go to Tools\Folder Options\View, and uncheck the first box, "Automatically search for Network Folders and Printers".
Made a big difference for me, hope it does the same for you.
Does this pertain to Vista? I can't seem to navigate to that setting. I am right clicking on the startup globe and selecting Explore, after that I'm lost
Don't have Vista, but try opening 'my computer' then at the top click on tools, then folders options, and then the view tab. Then you should see the box to untick.
Don't have Vista, but try opening 'my computer' then at the top click on tools, then folders options, and then the view tab. Then you should see the box to untick.
I don't see that option to check. May be somewhat different in Vista
That should have something to uncheck that is or at least is close to this: "Automatically search for Network Folders and Printers"
Using the Alt key to access the tools menu is a nice trick. It can be accessed through Vistas "Organize" tab however. I don't think that network folders and printer option is there however