[Speecy Bug Report] Speecy gives false information?

Hello, I dont know what is happening, but Speecy on my computer is broken or gliched? I just changed in my bios RAM MHZ's from 800 to 1600mhz, but speecy dont refresh that. I have done that reinstaling speecy, but still no luck. It also gives me false info about my ram slots, I have only 2, all full, but it shows I have like 2 free.

Photo from my computer will be down there


ram glich 2.PNG

Speccy only reports what Windows is telling it, and Windows doesn't always get it right.

When it comes to RAM speed TM used to show the standard figure given by the manufacturer.

If you overclocked the RAM then TM would still show that same base speed.

It seems that Speccy is still reading that 'Base speed' variable from Windows, and so Speccy is still showing the standard speed for your RAM.

As for the number of slots - I note that Task Manager is also showing that you have 2 slots used out of 4: "Izmantotie slots 2 no 4".

So Windows thinks that you have 4 slots, and Speccy is simply reporting what Windows says.

What Speccy is showing you regarding your DRAM speed is correct!

DDR means Double Data Rate for DRAM, it doubles the DRAM Frequency/Clock Speed. In tools like Speccy, CPU-Z, HWiNFO, etc., it will list your 1600Mhz dual channel kit as 800Mhz (or typically very near it), whereas in Windows 10 Task Manager the Memory Tab will list 1600Mhz.

Just for info while we are talking about RAM and Task Manager:

Another memory 'oddity' in Task Manager that I've been asked about in the past is why the Committed memory total is, nearly always, higher that the actual RAM installed.


That's because when Windows calculates the 'committed' memory some of it can be in RAM and some in the Pagefile.

So Task Manager's  'Commited Memory' shows your RAM size plus your Pagefile size for the total memory available.

It could even be higher if extra virtual memory (as well as the pagefile) has been allocated.

Hi, it seems Speccy gave me false information too.

I have one SSD and one HDD, but Speccy tells me I have two SSD.

Same goes for Defraggler.

Do you have any explanation ?




7 hours ago, Shinehill said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Hi, it seems Speccy gave me false information too.

		I have one SSD and one HDD, but Speccy tells me I have two SSD.

		Same goes for Defraggler.

		Do you have any explanation ?

As said above:

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Speccy only reports what Windows is telling it, and Windows doesn't always get it right.

Same goes for Defraggler.

Whatever Windows variable Speccy/Defraggler are reading thinks it's an SSD.

Windows own built in Defragmenter/Optimiser will often see drives as being the wrong type.

Note:- You may find reports that running "winsat formal" (a full hardware assessment) in a command window will fix the wrong identification of drives by Windows.

However, to save you time, <strong>the 'winstat' command is no longer available in Windows 10.</strong>


(It may be possible to manually hack the Windows Experience Index and change the drive value - That's a technique for advanced users, it's easy enough to find instructions but you try it at your own risk).

Something simpler than "hacking/tweaking" to get the correct drive type to show up would be to just change the volume label, i.e.; HDD 2TB, SSD 500GB, etc.


When making your own DIY external/portable HDDs or SSDs in cheap (sometimes even over-priced) enclosures those can cause SSDs to be listed as HDDs - especially if whatever interface the enclosure has is old and outdated or if it's just too cheap for the manufacturer to care.

Windows can get things very wrong, for instance (on Win10 v1909 at least): Formatting a USB Flash Drive with NTFS will make Optimize Drives think it's an HDD, and it will also be displayed in Task Manager as an HDD.