Not tested speccy yet, so cannot comment.
But im assuming its similar to specyy.
whats the comparison?
Not tested speccy yet, so cannot comment.
But im assuming its similar to specyy.
whats the comparison?
Well give speccy a go and then let us know what you think
(Presume specyy is a typo for siw)
Yes SIW gives a lot more info I've had it for a long long time.
Operating System
System Directories
Installed Programs
Installed Applications
System Files
Regional Settings
File Associations
Running Processes
Loaded DLLs
NT Services
NT Pipes
Scheduled Tasks
Audio and Video Codecs
Shared DLLs
Open Files
Groups and Users
Protected Files
System Info
CPU Info
System Slots
Network Cards
Storage Devices
Logical Disks
Network Information
Extra Info
Neighborhood Scan
Open Ports
RAS Connections
My Network Places
Search Network Neighborhood
Operating System - Speccy shows 32bit
CPU - Speccy shows same info
RAM - Speccy shows same info
Motherboard - Speccy shows same info
Graphics - Speccy shows same info
Hard Drives - Speccy shows same info
Optical Drives - Speccy shows same info
Audio - SIW doesn't really show it as a device, PCI or what ever
SIW does show a lot more info though. SIW saves the info to an HTML file, come on Speccy.
Lavalys Everest shows the same info as SIW but I think you have to pay for the full version. Unless you know what you are doing. It supposed to create a report file in either txt or HTML but it takes that long on my Vista that it crashes Windows.
SIW is not bad but it's a little buggy for me
No CPU tempture display for my poor old P4 (same as Speccy though) and apparently I have a Maxtor Hard Drive made by Lite-On lol
Richard S.
SIW don't work for me as my puter's joined to a domain
siw dose alot more than Speccy but right now but if Speccy could get there hardware detection and other minor bug they fixed then i could see them staert looking at adding features like siw
SIW can create a report file (CSV, HTML, TXT or XML), and is able to run in batch mode (for Computer Software and Hardware Inventory, Asset Inventory Tracking, Audit Software Licenses, Software License Compliance).
The system information is divided into few major categories:
* Software Inventory: Operating System, Installed Software and Hotfixes, Processes, Services, Users, Open Files, System Uptime, Installed Codecs, Software Licenses (Product Keys / Serial Numbers / CD Key), Secrets (Password Recovery).
* Hardware Inventory: Motherboard, Sensors, BIOS, CPU, chipset, PCI/AGP, USB and ISA/PnP Devices, Memory, Video Card, Monitor, Disk Drives, CD/DVD Devices, SCSI Devices, S.M.A.R.T., Ports, Printers.
* Network Information: Network Cards, Network Shares, currently active Network Connections, Open Ports.
* Network Tools: MAC Address Changer, Neighborhood Scan, Ping, Trace, Statistics
* Miscellaneous Tools: Eureka! (Reveal lost passwords hidden behind asterisks), Monitor Test, Shutdown / Restart.
* Real-time monitors: CPU, Memory, Page File usage and Network Traffic.
once specy dose all of that and well it will be my replacment for siw