Speccy Suggestions

Back again with new helpful ideas,

Truly I haven't seen any programs until now that is simple and fast to use and understandable like Speccy. But unfortunately, Speccy doesn't show SYSTEM PROBLEMS, which makes me use "MSINFO32" and most of time when people send me the saved file ".NFO" it'll be corrupted because of the multi-languages. So I think It'll be helpful if Speccy includes Peripherals Problems, Windows Error Reporting, and Running Tasks.

In this way people will focus more on Speccy and I believe that it'll be beyond useful. B)

These are my ideas and I hope they'll be useful :lol:

Thanks, :D

Happy Thanksgiving, AND Happy NEW YEAR ;)

Peace :rolleyes:

Speccy does a good job at detecting most common settings and information to allow the user to recover from a "downer". However there is one major gap in its reporting abilities. When a system crashes or upgraded most people forget to keep the original CD cover with the software they need to reinstall. So here's the problem....... Can Speccy report the user CD KEY information for 3rd party software such as MS Office etc., so it can be printed and saved incase of a software rebuild after a HDD crash or OS crash.

Being a Software/Hardware Tech this would lessen the time needed to fix a customers problem.

Hope this will make Speccy more usable (It's a fantastic program as it is)
