Just wondering, do systems restart as soon as they reach the max temp, or does it take time? Because I'm willing to do more extensive testing to see if Speccy is maybe off by a certain number of degrees.
if you do a search of the threads on this forum, there have been a few members reporting very high temps given by Speccy.
so it would seem Speccy is getting the wrong info somehow or at least relaying simply what it's picking up somewhere from corrupted firmware info.
they have tried other 3rd party hardware interrogators and those programs report a much more believable temp reading.
but to answer your question, Yes, in my experience, once the temp reaches the upper limits laid out in the BIOS settings, your PC should literally just blink off.
it then takes a few minutes before they can be turned on again.
just to clarify, are those temps in Fahrenheit or Celsius?
I've actually done a recent cleaning and even replaced the thermal paste due to these speccy readings. The temperatures actually looked to lower by maybe an average of 3 degrees or so, but I'm not sure if that relates to Speccy being somewhat accurate or randomly pulling up a different reading.
It shows a temp for each core that are exaxtly the same as the CPU. (So when the CPU says 95, each core also says 95)
The temps for the motherboards and graphics look normal, usually between 10 and 40. Which is why I felt like maybe Speccy wasn't completely wrong but something is messing it up when reading the CPU.
When I did check the inside, I didn't notice anything burnt or smoking.
I have had my computer freeze randomly in the past before, which is why I wanted to check with an accurate temperature program to see if anything was causing any overheating. But 95+ seems a bit excessive.
I have used other temperature programs in the past, to get a feel for how they all report their figures and liked (and agreed with) what Speccy told me.
I've only been using Speccy for a couple of weeks on both my laptop and desktop pc. I get normal readings for my Motherboard temp on the laptop but on the desktop it shows 121 -131 deg C and the lower temp is on starting up. It works perfectly fine and it's not a year old yet, I've not had any problems with overheating or anything else so I wonder if Speccy is giving a false temp reading on this?