Speccy Operating system Scheduler

I have this item showing

19/11/2014 22:30;Every 1 minute(s) from 15:09 for 720 hour(s) every day, starting 30/12/2013 CIMT_S-1-5-21-1310370650-2488588200-3172714411-1005

does anybody know what this might be

I think a check every minute might be slowing things down on my computer

. . a check every minute might be slowing things down on my computer

Possibly others know what it may be, not I. But you can disable the item if it's also in CCleaner\ Tools\ Startup\ Scheduled Tasks.

the S-1-5-21- reference is seen in the $Recycle.Bin folder.

they are related to Security ID's and point back to a user profile, you should be able to find it in the Registry.

what is your OS and AV?

what other background tasks do you have?

after a bit of digging if you go here;

HKLM\software\microsoft\windows NT\currentversion\profilelist

and find the SID from your Speccy Scheduler item, go to the ProfileImagePath and you'll see the user in question.

that may help continue your investigations.