Speccy listing Virtualization incorrectly

On my CPU, Speccy incorrectly says my virtualization is disabled. Now it's nothing to worry about, but it is kind of disturbing. Is there anything I can do about this or is Speccy correct that my virtualization is disabled, because on my ASUS bios, I enabled the SVM under the CPU configuration, which enables virtualization? I would appreciate a response to this as soon as possible.

if it has been enabled in BIOS but Speccy says it's disabled - I'd be believing BIOS.

Speecy has been known to report some false readings before.

I am having this issue too with my

CPU: AMD FX-9590

Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0 (Socket 942)

Virtualization: Supported, Disabled
wheres it is listed in the BIOS as SVM = enabled