Speccy in notification area stuck on startup


i installed speccy to keep cpu temperature under control.

In the options - notification area I indicated:

minimize in notification area

show measurements in the notification area

show meters in the notification area

Minimize Speccy in notification area when computer starts

At start-up the temperature is shown below, but it is fixed, it does not change over time.

I have to open the program (right click on the temperature) and again minimize the Speccy window, after which the temperature number changes.

How can I see the temperature number change without having to open the program?

Thank you.


I've just tested those settings here and while the number shown in the tray updates in real time the one displayed on the tooltip doesn't.

That's expected though, just move the pointer off the icon/number and back, the tooltip will update each time.

I'm not sure why you would want to have both enabled at the same time.

If you can already see the number in the tray then why see it again in the tooltip?

What do you have the "Refresh every # secs" set to for the number shown in the tray?

Of course it could simply be that your CPU temperature isn't changing much.

If yours does appear to be stuck after a start-up (until you open/minimise Speccy) then I'd suggest you try giving it a shake by doing the following:

  • Untick all those tray options and close Speccy,
  • Restart (not shutdown/boot) your computer,
  • Open Speccy and reset the options to display the CPU temperature in the tray, with a refresh rate of 1 second,
  • Minimise Speccy and see if the number in the tray is updating now.
  • Restart the computer again and see if the number in the tray is updating now.