In Speccy version 1.16.317 I get a disturbing message that the Graphics area in the program has been marked for deletion. Why would you do such a thing? Is there something wrong with your program, or possibly with the programmers of your program that could have made such a blunder? I do understand that mistakes happen ocassionally, but you usually put out programs that from my experiance usually don't need to be fixed after you release a new version. So what happened here? It DOESAN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. This is at least to me a very important area of the program. I just wish that you could click a link in areas to check for new DRIVER UPDATES. That would open the correct Web page on the proper site to affect a download of the latest update for a selected UPDATED DRIVER. Like I am looking for an update for my NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE GRAPHICS DRIVER. This would, taking the name, and model information referenced from your program, and then opening the NVIDIA support pages for my NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE Graphics Driver. Thanks for your time, and assistance.
that's the message WMI passes to speccy, usually caused by an updating driver which will require a reboot of the machine before WMI reporting can be achieved.
in most cases a rebooted machine will no longer report being deleted.
Speccy is not a drivers program it is only a Specs (Windows Management Instrumentation) program
edit: more information