I've scanned through your forum but haven't fond any solution to this - so apologises if this has already been covered.
When I run Speccy it displays about half of the pc information then freezes up the whole pc, resulting in a restart to free it
The pc is operating on Windows XP Professional SP3.
I built the pc myself and have attached the CPUID file, if that helps.
Any suggestion on how I can prevent it freezing up would be gratefully appreciated.
I've scanned through your forum but haven't fond any solution to this - so apologises if this has already been covered.
When I run Speccy it displays about half of the pc information then freezes up the whole pc, resulting in a restart to free it
The pc is operating on Windows XP Professional SP3.
I built the pc myself and have attached the CPUID file, if that helps.
Any suggestion on how I can prevent it freezing up would be gratefully appreciated.
Hi love all Piriform programs but just downloaded Speccy and got the same as you. Showed in the bottom corner that it was still doing something but the hard drive light suggested it wasn't. My thought are it is when it is analysing RAM it locks up.
Hi love all Piriform programs but just downloaded Speccy and got the same as you. Showed in the bottom corner that it was still doing something but the hard drive light suggested it wasn't. My thought are it is when it is analysing RAM it locks up.
Thats where my pc restarted suddenly, when analyzing RAM, read my post for more info.
This one:
I guess Weslley just forgot the link.
The devs do read these posts, but unfortunately can't reply to all of them. No doubt they'll have a fix in a future version.
All information helps, so your input is appreciated.
Hope that helps.
Thanks, found it by going to his profile and checking previous post, easy really, sorry.