Windows reports compatibility issues, but running Speccy (latest version 1.26 downloaded today) in compatibility mode for Windows 7 or Windows 8 and / or running the setup as administrator makes no difference. Hopefully Piriform can work on this asap? It's a pity we can't use this lovely little helpful program.
Windows 10 preview has only just been released.
Expecting programs to work on it is a bit unrealistic at this time
Right click your desktop shortcut and select Properties, then select Compatibility tab, then select Run this program in compatibility mode for and select Windows 7 and then tick Run this program as an Administrator box and then hit Apply and OK.
This might help.
@Aslan, if you read the OP's post #1, he has already tried that.
@Aslan, if you read the OP's post #1, he has already tried that.
Now it's official, I have to sleep a week in a row. I'm way too tired to sleep posts correctly.
Edit: Sleep posts correctly....what?
@hazelnut, I know Windows 10 is only in beta version, but all my other programs run fine. Speccy is the only one giving me this compatibility error. I was just wondering is anybody looking into it? I'm surprised no one else has mentioned it on this forum.
I should have been more specific though, I'm running W10 Pro X64
just to confirm that Speccy unfortunately doesn't install in Windows 10 64 bit Technical preview evaluation copy build 9841. Not a serious problem but I miss this helpful tool.
Windows 10 preview has only just been released.
Expecting programs to work on it is a bit unrealistic at this time
Windows reports compatibility issues, but running Speccy (latest version 1.26 downloaded today) in compatibility mode for Windows 7 or Windows 8 and / or running the setup as administrator makes no difference. Hopefully Piriform can work on this asap? It's a pity we can't use this lovely little helpful program.
Agreed. Since Win X for developers has been in their greasy mitts for yonks before us mere mortals got a chance to play with it, there's no excuse for not making sure programs are compatible (except sheer laziness - considering most of the code base is still Win 8).
A software company especially should be at the leading edge of developments, not lumbering behind; I'd expect at least a beta version to test on Win X.
So far Speccy is for me the one and only prog that doesn't work with X TP
Disappointing; but at least there are loads of similar programs from other softcos that have no issues.
Win10 has been in developers hand for the exact same time as "mere mortals" I think you may be confused about when anyone has recieved any sort of version of the (still in very early testing) Windows next version
Speccy is still not working in the current build 9860 of Windows 10 - tested it just now on Windows 10 Pro X64
Did you not read what I wrote just above ?!
Windows 10 will not ever work with ccleaner until one or the other of the following statements is true:
1) 2015 comes and Windows 10 final version is out.
2) The Piriform development team announces that ccleaner supports the Operating System in the ccleaner release notes.
While the latter is the most likely it probably won't happen until a few weeks before the former occurs.
Did you not read what I wrote just above ?!
Windows 10 will not ever work with ccleaner until one or the other of the following statements is true:
1) 2015 comes and Windows 10 final version is out.
2) The Piriform development team announces that ccleaner supports the Operating System in the ccleaner release notes.
While the latter is the most likely it probably won't happen until a few weeks before the former occurs.
Did you not even read the thread title?
ccleaner works fine with Windows 10
speccy doesn't work with Windows 10
And out of interest, are you representing Piriform on this forum?
Members & moderators here are all volunteers, not paid. Their salaries are zero.
(The Piriform Factory: has promised to double mine next year, but don't tell anybody .)
If you buy the paid version you get access to help directly from the developers, for a year, I think.
Speccy, etc. probably still won't work dependably with win 10, though, until win 10 settles down a bit.
Windows 10 is fine, it doesn't need to settle down a bit
From my experience and widely reported from many others, pretty much all software that worked on Windows 8.1 works on Windows 10 Technical Preview. Speccy is the only exception on my PC.
FWIW, I used to work in a well known software company 20 years ago and we would work feverishly to make sure our products worked before the first beta was released of any Microsoft OS. And we took pride getting in getting the job done. And yes as a MS partner, we did have access to builds before public betas. Perhaps Piriform is not in that position, but there's no excuse not to give it a try now!
Have you tried the portable version?
Have you tried it in safe mode with networking (just as a troubleshoot, not expecting it to run that way all the time )
. . . pretty much all software that worked on Windows 8.1 works on Windows 10 Technical Preview. Speccy is the only exception on my PC.
Harrumph. Well, there goes my big raise. Dagnabbit.
Still, do post back what works out if you can.
Probably would help others.
expecting anything, software or hardware, to work on beta systems is sheer luck.
after all, that's the very definition of beta systems! a successful test IS finding problems.
we shouldn't be alarmed when something doesn't work - we should be amazed that anything does.
Speccy (current version 1.26.698 - this version is 7 months old) is still not working with the 3rd public build of Windows 10 released today (build 9879)
@hazelnut - thanks for the suggestion, but I have no use for speccy portable / in safe mode on my Windows 10 main PC :-)