after upgrading to win 10 from 8.1 speccy cant detect Specifications/temperature of motherboard
speccy work properly in windows 8.1
my laptop is HP Pavilion 15-N240ee
after upgrading to win 10 from 8.1 speccy cant detect Specifications/temperature of motherboard
speccy work properly in windows 8.1
my laptop is HP Pavilion 15-N240ee
Speccy version?
Is OS 32 or 64bit?
Win 10 64bit
speccy version is latest ver.
long shot but see if this changes things...
in your installation folder for Speccy, rename the 64bit file.
then double click the 32bit one to run Speccy - does that help?
speccy need to special driver for detect motherboard temp ?
No, my understanding is Speccy makes heavy use of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) calls.