SP3 installation causes Uninstaller Reference Issues


This is my first time posting here, never had a problem before, but I've been using CCleaner a while now and I have just updated my OS by installing XP's (home edition) Service Pack 3 from XP SP 2 and now while scanning for registry issues, many KB* uninstaller reference issues are reported and by default are check marked for deletion.

Is it safe to delete these references? Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Thanks for any help you may provide.



Nobody knows eh?

Hmm, well I've always trusted CCleaner so I guess I'll use the backup function and delete the entries...

When I installed sp3 I can remember doing the same. Deleting the uninstaller reference issues and making a backup of them, just in case.

I had no problems afterwards..

Thanks for the reply.

That's reassuring. I think if I ever need to uninstall SP3, I'll restore that .reg file first, just in case.

SP3 seems to be working just great for me though.