Bizarrely, the "click" sound when I click on something on Internet Explorer or when a page refreshes has stopped happening.
Every other sound my computer makes seems to be working fine, though. Any ideas?
Bizarrely, the "click" sound when I click on something on Internet Explorer or when a page refreshes has stopped happening.
Every other sound my computer makes seems to be working fine, though. Any ideas?
I've got nothing, try checking your settings, i dont know anything about IE, my best advice to you is to get rid of IE RIGHT NOW! and get firefox, internet explorer is terrible.
Bizarrely, the "click" sound when I click on something on Internet Explorer or when a page refreshes has stopped happening.
Every other sound my computer makes seems to be working fine, though. Any ideas?
I have a feeling one of two things might have happened:
1. The "click" sound ("C:\ WINDOWS\ Media\ start.wav", I believe) has been moved to a different directory or deleted
2. You accidently removed this sound from the default Windows sound scheme. To find out if this is the case, click Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices, and click the Sounds tab. Scroll down the list and find the word 'Select'. If there is not a picture of a speaker on the left side of it, then you will have to re-add the aforementioned sound file and save the changes.
Let me know if this works for you.
kobrakommander56: I know a lot of people don't like IE, but I think this is a sojnd problem rather than an IE problem.
lokoike: Thanks for your tips. I went through the Control Panel to the Sounds and Audio Devices as you suggested, and there was indeed nothing next to "Select". But I wasn't sure what sound to associate with it - any ideas?
kobrakommander56: I know a lot of people don't like IE, but I think this is a sojnd problem rather than an IE problem.
lokoike: Thanks for your tips. I went through the Control Panel to the Sounds and Audio Devices as you suggested, and there was indeed nothing next to "Select". But I wasn't sure what sound to associate with it - any ideas?
I believe the default sound that is used is "start.wav", which is located under C:\ WINDOWS\ Media. As a note, on your computer, the ".wav" part may not be listed. It depends if you have your computer set to show extensions or not. So it will either be called "start.wav", or just plain "start".
Hopefully that'll fix it, but if not, I'll try to think of something else.
I've tried associating several sounds with "Select", and it seems quite happy to save the changes. But still there is no sound when I open an internet page or click on a link.
(By the way, all other sounds - at start-up and playing music, for example - are working fine, so it isn't a problem with the Mute or sound card, as far as I can tell.)
Hang on - I've just found something.
What you suggested DOES work, but "Select" refers to when I click on "Start" and select an application to open.
What I'm trying to restore is the soft clicking sound within IE when a page refreshes - not the sound when I initially open an application.
Sorted it!
I followed your instructions again - but this time I scrolled down further in the Sounds menu. There is a dedicated Windows Explorer section on the list.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Sorted it!
I followed your instructions again - but this time I scrolled down further in the Sounds menu. There is a dedicated Windows Explorer section on the list.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Oops! Sorry for listing the wrong entry.
Glad it is fixed now.