Sony Vaio 17" Laptop - Lost HDMI Driver Output

Hi' All

Have been running CCleaner on my SonyLaptop for years.

I ran a driver updat on CCLeaner, which found drivers needed to be updated, so ran the program.

After a reboot, I found that the external Display on the HDMI port not working. Shock, thought to check on WIn 10 display settings. It reports that no external device connected ?

Yes, I tried the reverse driver update option in CCleaner.

It failed to function at all.

How to I get the HDMI port working again?


Moved to ccleaner driver updater board

Hi @AndyM It's possible that you can resolve this problem by performing a System Restore in Windows, using these steps:

  1. Open the "Run" dialog in Windows (On the keyboard, hold the "Windows" (?name=Windows+Logo.png) and "R" keys simultaneously)
  2. Type: rstrui.exe > click OK
  3. In the System Restore wizard, click Next
  4. Select a date/time from before the problem occurred
  5. Click Next > Finish

Otherwise if this doesn't work, our support team would be eager to help you get this problem resolved, and you can easily contact them via email using

To help them investigate further, please send the following files-

  • C:\Program Files\CCleaner\Data\DUState.dat
  • C:\Program Files\CCleaner\LOG\DriverUpdaterLib.log
  • C:\Windows\INF\