Sony BMG Takes Another Important Stand!

I'm a big Nellie McKay fan (which apparently means I'm part of a "cult following") but anyway I was quite surprised to learn that Columbia aka Sony BMG has dropped her and cancelled the release of her new album as well as an upcoming DVD because:

"McKay, 21, wanted Pretty Little Head to include 23 songs, lasting 65 minutes, while Sony's Columbia Records wanted to release 16 songs, lasting 48 minutes." quote from

I have a theory. Sony is trying to prove that the only thing stupider in this or any universe (real or imagined) than the new PSP commercials is Sony itself. In my opinion, they are trying too hard. After First 4 Internet Rootkit Disaster #1, Spyware Installing and Malware Gateway Enabling Fix for First 4 Internet Rootkit Disaster #2, MediaMax DRM Disaster #3, and It's Like Cheese You Can Listen To Outside PSP Ad Disaster #4, I was already convinced.

Label Drops Artist After Dispute

EDIT: Forgot about Fake Graffiti Disaster #5

Sony is slowly numbing us so they can take over the world, with their giant japanese mech robots, FROM HELL.

I used to recall that pretty much all albums had about 20 songs.

Now they want to cut down on it to have more albums to make more profit?



Btw, I dont know who she is, but since they dropped her, it would be fun she got very successful. :)

Sony is slowly numbing us so they can take over the world, with their giant japanese mech robots, FROM HELL.

LOL! I wouldn't be surprised. I understand they're making great strides in the realm of AI as it applies to robotics. I'm sure they will be the world leaders in developing Artificial Ignorance.

I tried that room cleaning robot Roomba and it really sucked. Of course with vacuum cleaners that's a good thing...

Btw, I dont know who she is, but since they dropped her, it would be fun she got very successful. smile.gif

If I may be presumptious, I think you might like her music. She's intelligent, obnoxious, and very good at making fun of people and things that need to be made fun of imho. Official Sony Website, no mention of dropping her complete live versions of a few songs Sari is my favorite

I don't care how many they refuse to put on a cd as long as they come out with some mp3 DVD players that support the new 300 gig dvd's when (or if) they come out... Heh heh heh!!! :o

I don't care how many they refuse to put on a cd as long as they come out with some mp3 DVD players that support the new 300 gig dvd's when (or if) they come out... Heh heh heh!!! :o

Well, don't expect to see 300 GB DVDs for a while, but you may start seeing holographic disks with capacities such as that in the somewhat near future.

1. This thread is old you little thread necromancer, dont resurrect old threads. :)

2. You really serious about buy anything from Sony? eww!

Hell would be freezing before I would ever buy anything from them.

3. They try make little songs on album, so the customer can get less value for his money, so they can make many albums and milk the customers of as much money as possible. Bastards!