well i cant really explain this but when im run games such as diablo 2 after a while and a bit of lag my comp resets its self i dont know if it is the vedio card or what?
i run a wireless usb from netgear and it disconects on me a lot in high lag or when downloading.... and is there a way of fixing that or a away of makeing it so it auto repair's conection instead of mannuly re conecting it?
"Please supply your Operating system Version followed by your computer's specifications, i.e. RAM, CPU, Hard Drive etc. We need to know your computer specs (speed, memory, operating system, etc.) and theres no such thing as too much info here. This is an easy one, often overlooked. Since you're asking people to diagnosis your problem from thousands of miles away, we need this. Imagine calling a car dealer and saying your car wont start and expecting an answer without giving any other information except that it wont start!" Quoted from MG
well i cant really explain this but when im run games such as diablo 2 after a while and a bit of lag my comp resets its self i dont know if it is the vedio card or what?
Does your video card have a fan attached?
The fan could be blocked with dust, thus causing it to not spin, or the fan could not be working at all. This could cause the graphics card to overheat and possibly cause lag.
It is a long shot though, as it might not even be graphics card related problem.
Also is there an upgrade for your graphics card software on the manufacturers website, that is something worth checking as well.
Getting back to fans though, it is always worth checking them every so often to make sure they are clean and spinning properly, also check any heatsinks that they might be screwed to, they can become clogged as well.
I personally have had to clean the graphics card fan and a processor fan and heatsink within the last six months.
CaPMan, I'm not so sure that heat could cause the graphics card to have lag... I have a FX5200, and can run Oblivion - and it runs fine, even though the fan on it is broken (leaving me with just a heat sink).
keithek2000, your random restarts would be much easier to fix if you would post your hardware specs. Also update your latest drivers - Windows Updates and graphics drivers for your graphics card.
CaPMan, I'm not so sure that heat could cause the graphics card to have lag... I have a FX5200, and can run Oblivion - and it runs fine, even though the fan on it is broken (leaving me with just a heat sink).
keithek2000, your random restarts would be much easier to fix if you would post your hardware specs. Also update your latest drivers - Windows Updates and graphics drivers for your graphics card.
Not to be argumentative, but actually an overheating GPU or CPU could very easily cause wrong calculations and / or crashes. When the silicon on a processor gets too hot, it starts to change form (liquify) and that means that the circuits within can temporarily short and cause a crash. If it is left too hot for too long, it can permanently damage that component. That is why people experience crashes when they overclock. Overclocking generates more heat, and heat is what causes the crashing.
If that is not the problem, keithek2000 I would check two other things:
1. Make sure your video drivers are up to date. If you have an ATI GPU, go here:
2. The second suggestion I have (and make sure you've tried suggestion 1 before doing this one), is to make sure you have the most current BIOS installed. If you don't know about this one, post your motherboard information, and I'll see if I can find an update for you. Some BIOS manufacturers, such as ASUS, offer simple-to-use BIOS updating software, while others are much harder and more risky to use. If you are at all unsure of how to update your BIOS, please wait until you have all of the answers before trying it yourself!
I personally updated my BIOS on my new computer a couple days ago, and it resolved numerous video issues, so keep that in mind as a potential fix.