Something wrong?

I have installed the new beta version of 1.01.048. I started to scan the hard disc drives but it flips by for one second and stopped. Nothing on the list and error report was generated:

Recuva v48


System Info: MS Windows XP SP2

[14:7:48] ErrorNo: 8 OtherInfo:cundelete_ntfssearch3 Error No:536870920 ErrorInfo:Failed to reserve memory.

[14:7:55] ErrorNo: 8 OtherInfo:cundelete_ntfssearch3 Error No:536870920 ErrorInfo:Failed to reserve memory.

I have accidentally deleted some of our files and I need to restore them.

Any advice please. Thank you. :(

I have the same problem on my system drive C -- the drive on which Recuva is installed. Although deleted files are present, Recuva sees nothing. However, Recuva DOES find deleted files on my external disk!

Maybe that's because its a Beta version of the program. The usual rule is that anything called a Beta does not work properly yet and the idea is that we users kindly find the bugs for the developers to fix in the next version. Eventually they decide that there are few enough bugs left to release the product.

This seems like a showstopper, though, so please lets have a fix soon for this potentially v. useful program.