Something arguably better than Macrium......

Redo Backup and Recovery

I have posted this before under the Freeware! thread but allow me to give it some proper introductions. I haven't really tested it myself but I thought it was interesting so please tell us what you think. Just seen it from a video that a guy whom I subscribed had recently uploaded to Youtube.

Its apparently a very nice backup and restore program that comes on an ISO, that you burn to a disk that you can boot from to do backup and restore operations, plus its free.

It also comes with a lot of very cool features that you wouldn't really expect to find from it. I think it also has an Internet browser, partition manager and some other useful tools, so in this case, I think its better than your old gem called Macrium.

Check this Youtube link and find out yourself:

This is a really good software, I need someone to volunteer on trying it though since I don't have an external HD to save the system image into though.

It's another of many boot/recovery CDs. The nice thing about it is that it has a very nice UI and is Linux based. It gives you some nice tools among them is a cloning tool that clones Windows and Linux so you can use the tool on either platform. Since it's Linux based you don't have to jump through hoops to build it like you do with the Bart PE disk because of MS BS licensing. Just download the ISO and burn it to disk. Also once burned to disk if you boot from the disk there is an option to install to USB thumb drive. I don't see this replacing Macrium for many here because in order to clone with Redo you need to be booted from the disk with Macrium you don't. It's a good idea though to have clones from more than one program just in case one doesn't work out for you. You never know when that will happen until it's too late even if you verify your images that's no guarantee they will work.

I don't see this replacing Macrium for many here because in order to clone with Redo you need to be booted from the disk with Macrium you don't.

That is the only thing that Macrium is ahead of it as far as I am aware.

It's a good idea though to have clones from more than one program just in case one doesn't work out for you. You never know when that will happen until it's too late even if you verify your images that's no guarantee they will work.

Yes, that is a good point but somehow, few have ever mentioned Windows 7's own module for restoring system images. You basically use a system repair disk from which to boot and choose recovery options from including the restoration of system images that should be saved on some external HD.

But the Internet browsing and partition managing features which this program has are what surprise me. I cannot guarantee they would work though if this Redo program would be booted from a CD, since the guy on the video used the program on a VM player.

One key fact that I noticed immediately was that this program was completely free, while you have to buy the full version of Macrium with all of it's features, and the free version is missing some features (though they may not be important).

One key fact that I noticed immediately was that this program was completely free, while you have to buy the full version of Macrium with all of it's features, and the free version is missing some features (though they may not be important).

Even with the missing features in the free Macrium it has more features than Redo as far as imaging goes. No need to boot from disk to make an image, the ability to mount and browse the image, control compression etc. These features are missing in Redo. As far as non imaging features Redo has much more.

That is the only thing that Macrium is ahead of it as far as I am aware.

Yes, that is a good point but somehow, few have ever mentioned Windows 7's own module for restoring system images. You basically use a system repair disk from which to boot and choose recovery options from including the restoration of system images that should be saved on some external HD.

But the Internet browsing and partition managing features which this program has are what surprise me. I cannot guarantee they would work though if this Redo program would be booted from a CD, since the guy on the video used the program on a VM player.

I use the Windows 7 imaging feature and it's nice but too many here don't use Windows 7 and are 10 years behind the curve so Macrium and Redo are a nice combo for them until they decide to join the present.

Even with the missing features in the free Macrium it has more features than Redo as far as imaging goes. No need to boot from disk to make an image, the ability to mount and browse the image, control compression etc. These features are missing in Redo. As far as non imaging features Redo has much more.

We can not be sure if Macrium is more effective when it comes to the disk imaging features because my assumption is, that you have not yet tried to use this new program and neither did I. I am unsure if this program has any more features that were not shown in the quick video.

So when it comes to effectiveness versus Macrium, none of us here in this forum can be sure unless one of us gives it a try.

Macrium is far more popular in my view so I think more people would prefer it cause it doesn't need a CD but its such as waste to ignore the features this Redo program has. And remember that since its Linux based, its probably more convenient if you rely on Linux platforms.

We can not be sure if Macrium is more effective when it comes to the disk imaging features because my assumption is, that you have not yet tried to use this new program and neither did I. I am unsure if this program has any more features that were not shown in the quick video.

So when it comes to effectiveness versus Macrium, none of us here in this forum can be sure unless one of us gives it a try.

Macrium is far more popular in my view so I think more people would prefer it cause it doesn't need a CD but its such as waste to ignore the features this Redo program has. And remember that since its Linux based, its probably more convenient if you rely on Linux platforms.

Yes I haven't tried Redo yet but have read many reviews and none of them mention any options other than making a plain image. There is no mention of any kind of browsing the image, setting compression or priority, or setting weather it makes an image of the entire drive including free space or weather it just backs up the used space. On Macrium you can control these things. I will be giving it a good try out in the next few days.

Yes I haven't tried Redo yet but have read many reviews and none of them mention any options other than making a plain image. There is no mention of any kind of browsing the image, setting compression or priority, or setting weather it makes an image of the entire drive including free space or weather it just backs up the used space. On Macrium you can control these things. I will be giving it a good try out in the next few days.

I have not read so many reviews about it, like I said, I just learned about it today. I thought it has these fancy features that Macrium does not have (obviously Macrium can do things it cannot) but either way, I can't try it since I do not have an external HD.

Keep us posted then. This may seem interesting to many of us.