Something About Windows Explorer (weird) I think?

Hello to all I'm new here I have a weird thing going on in Windows Explorer after using CCleaner for a couple of months now. First a description of my system.

A Vista OS with SP2 Intel Core 2 Quad 2 CPU @ 2.33GHZ 2.34 GHZ 8 gb of ram 64 bit operating system.

Let me try to describe it to you. When I boot up the computer and bring up Windows Explorer all of my folders are ready to be read meaning all of the files are in the folders as soon as I click and open them, Except one, the one named downloads. Each time I click on this folder Windows Explorer has to build this folder each time before the files inside this folder are visible. Now as long as I'm using the computer all is ok but when I reboot windows explorer does the same thing and builds this folder again. and it's only happening to this folder.

Would anyone know what happened? did CCleaner changed something in Windows Explorer?

Thanks for any help you might have for me


If that folder is full of files such as setup .EXE files or other executables directly in the root of that folder (instead of having them in their own unique sub-folders) I'd almost think the delay could possibly be from your antivirus, that's just one possibility.


If you have allot of files in a folder that can cause Explorer to take a long time to display the folder, something which I found out years ago with a huge music collection.

If that folder is full of files such as setup .EXE files or other executables directly in the root of that folder (instead of having them in their own unique sub-folders) I'd almost think the delay could possibly be from your antivirus, that's just one possibility.


If you have allot of files in a folder that can cause Explorer to take a long time to display the folder, something which I found out years ago with a huge music collection.

Thanks for your reply, I have tried your remedy but to no avail It must be my Norton 360 doing it.......


I tried a test and turned off my Norton and it worked perfectly, That was it alright. The anti-virus was scanning the folder each time the computer was booted up.

Thanks Andavari for you helpful post :D :D
