Some Disadvantages of Piriform products picked up by me...

Ok, What the f*** People...

I'm not into reviews on forums but dude... Let's start.

First I'd like to say that i'm pleased with piriform products but there are some disabilities:


- Nice design

- Simple GUI

- Fast Cleaner

But... I'm noticing that most of the times i'm getting about 220MB Dump (I run CCleaner weekly) But when i Clean it disposes somewhat of the range 10 to 30 mb. Also The registry cleaner Gets Slow of a sudden if it gets more than 80 entries. The Perfect part is the removal tool Which is just great.


Oh there's a lot to be written about...

- Good GUI again

- Device range support

- It's a good Freebie software ;)

- No CPU drainer (which is the main advantage which I'm using it for)(and the fact that for some reason i don't have it on my Windows XP)

But the title isn't good... It should be called fraggler Because I'm actually getting more fragmented files (sometimes) 10-20% more... Mainly on defragging my portable HDD.

And using Defraggler i managed to defrag 1 Gb Sd card for 3:43 hours,whilist my friends pc (which has almost the same PC specs as me,which i'll mention later) Managed to defrag another 1 GB sd card using disk defragger for 7 Minutes...

And another thing, Too simple even for my mom and dad, I mean it absolutely doesn't have to be like diskeeper (Which sucks 10x *ss),Some advanced Options would be nice.

Speccy: Absolutely wonderful... Can't complain of it... Neither do anyone else i think.


Compared with some other freeware products... It's a guy's nightmare...

- Scans for about 6 hours a 80Gb Partition (c:)

- It doesn't cover many formats and for some reason can't search portable media

- From time to time I'm feeling that it does random crashes (Not giving any reason of somekind)

- Doesn't manage to find some of the pictures (specifically the 3 i were looking for)

- And Again has good GUI (which is good)

And finally my system specs are

Windows XP professional 32 bit SP3

CPU: Intel Pentium Core2 duo E6600 3.06 ghz

RAM:4 Gb

Video: Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT 1 gb

HDD: 1Tb Hitachi + 500Gb Mobile HDD LaCie

I'm not speaking hate towards Piriform, Just suggesting What they should Implement in their next updates on this software... :rolleyes:

Ok, What the f*** People...

was cursing (even censored) really necessary?

But... I'm noticing that most of the times i'm getting about 220MB Dump (I run CCleaner weekly) But when i Clean it disposes somewhat of the range 10 to 30 mb. Also The registry cleaner Gets Slow of a sudden if it gets more than 80 entries. The Perfect part is the removal tool Which is just great.

Uncheck delete only temp files older than 24 hours, run at admin permissions (Vista/Win7) or as an Administrator (XP)

But the title isn't good... It should be called fraggler Because I'm actually getting more fragmented files (sometimes) 10-20% more... Mainly on defragging my portable HDD.

And using Defraggler i managed to defrag 1 Gb Sd card for 3:43 hours,whilist my friends pc (which has almost the same PC specs as me,which i'll mention later) Managed to defrag another 1 GB sd card using disk defragger for 7 Minutes...

And another thing, Too simple even for my mom and dad, I mean it absolutely doesn't have to be like diskeeper (Which sucks 10x *ss),Some advanced Options would be nice.

don't defrag flash memory it's bad for it, proper Flash memory defragmentation method is: Copy everything off drive, copy everything back onto drive. On System harddrives more fragmentation is do to Windows (XP? and newer) creating Sysrestore points whenever ANY 3rd party Defrag is run (Much discussion on this already in the forum)

- Scans for about 6 hours a 80Gb Partition (c:)

Turn off deep scan

- It doesn't cover many formats and for some reason can't search portable media

searchs and works fine on all my portable media

- From time to time I'm feeling that it does random crashes (Not giving any reason of somekind)

Run in debug mode post debug results to recuva forum, what do you mean you feel it crashes? is this just a translation thing in your post?

- Doesn't manage to find some of the pictures (specifically the 3 i were looking for)

how soon were they deleted? are other products (Disk Digger, Restoration, paid products) able to find them?

I do apprecitate this post though, don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to address your comments

(I do not work or speak for Piriform or any other software maker)

was cursing (even censored) really necessary?

Uncheck delete only temp files older than 24 hours, run at admin permissions (Vista/Win7) or as an Administrator (XP)

don't defrag flash memory it's bad for it, proper Flash memory defragmentation method is: Copy everything off drive, copy everything back onto drive. On System harddrives more fragmentation is do to Windows (XP? and newer) creating Sysrestore points whenever ANY 3rd party Defrag is run (Much discussion on this already in the forum)

Turn off deep scan

searchs and works fine on all my portable media

Run in debug mode post debug results to recuva forum, what do you mean you feel it crashes? is this just a translation thing in your post?

how soon were they deleted? are other products (Disk Digger, Restoration, paid products) able to find them?

I do apprecitate this post though, don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to address your comments

(I do not work or speak for Piriform or any other software maker)

Riight... So:

1. It's unchecked (Thanx anyway ;) )

2. You may have got a point there,because the source which told me (a not*so*very*smart kid in my class) isn't reliable

3.It's off (but even if it was on shouldn't my pc handle it faster... i mean look at the specs ( most people in Bulgaria dream of this PC))

4.I got it to run by formatting her to FAT32 - helped a lot :)


6.Not deleted, Formatted by my 6 year old cousin a week ago ( Parents don't listen about letting her on the PC :D ), yes, Recover my files.

Thanks for the fast reply anyway :) , That speaks great for the forum and future development


But... I'm noticing that most of the times i'm getting about 220MB Dump (I run CCleaner weekly) But when i Clean it disposes somewhat of the range 10 to 30 mb. Also The registry cleaner Gets Slow of a sudden if it gets more than 80 entries. The Perfect part is the removal tool Which is just great.

hmm can you do the following. run analyis to get the 220MB result right click on the results and choose save log. next run cleaner and again save the log, as a seperate file, report back here with the difference between the two logs (you can use WinMerge or other file comparing programs to easily find the differences if they are not readily noticable) or post both logs in this thread (as attachments) and I'll download and compare them :)

3. I'm not so sure on the speed a search should take, are you searching on the same drive on which recuva is installed? (I use portable version so it's rarely on the drive I'm scanning and when it is that drive is no bigger than 4 GB. Mine did

NTFS 233GB cluster size 4096 file record size 1024 found 1619 files (68 ignored) in 11.84 sec

5. :)

6. I Haven't really tested recuva on formatted. I use my heavy guns for that, but for that you will want to use deep scan.