Ok, What the f*** People...
I'm not into reviews on forums but dude... Let's start.
First I'd like to say that i'm pleased with piriform products but there are some disabilities:
- Nice design
- Simple GUI
- Fast Cleaner
But... I'm noticing that most of the times i'm getting about 220MB Dump (I run CCleaner weekly) But when i Clean it disposes somewhat of the range 10 to 30 mb. Also The registry cleaner Gets Slow of a sudden if it gets more than 80 entries. The Perfect part is the removal tool Which is just great.
Oh there's a lot to be written about...
- Good GUI again
- Device range support
- It's a good Freebie software
- No CPU drainer (which is the main advantage which I'm using it for)(and the fact that for some reason i don't have it on my Windows XP)
But the title isn't good... It should be called fraggler Because I'm actually getting more fragmented files (sometimes) 10-20% more... Mainly on defragging my portable HDD.
And using Defraggler i managed to defrag 1 Gb Sd card for 3:43 hours,whilist my friends pc (which has almost the same PC specs as me,which i'll mention later) Managed to defrag another 1 GB sd card using disk defragger for 7 Minutes...
And another thing, Too simple even for my mom and dad, I mean it absolutely doesn't have to be like diskeeper (Which sucks 10x *ss),Some advanced Options would be nice.
Speccy: Absolutely wonderful... Can't complain of it... Neither do anyone else i think.
Compared with some other freeware products... It's a guy's nightmare...
- Scans for about 6 hours a 80Gb Partition (c:)
- It doesn't cover many formats and for some reason can't search portable media
- From time to time I'm feeling that it does random crashes (Not giving any reason of somekind)
- Doesn't manage to find some of the pictures (specifically the 3 i were looking for)
- And Again has good GUI (which is good)
And finally my system specs are
Windows XP professional 32 bit SP3
CPU: Intel Pentium Core2 duo E6600 3.06 ghz
RAM:4 Gb
Video: Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT 1 gb
HDD: 1Tb Hitachi + 500Gb Mobile HDD LaCie
I'm not speaking hate towards Piriform, Just suggesting What they should Implement in their next updates on this software...