[Solved] Download link to v5.44.6575/6577 Pro? (Downgrade)

Didn't realize the re-released v5.46.xxxx was the same crap as the one they took down before with just minor text changes/rewording (other minor misc.) after the controversy and backlash it received since the Avast takeover. After updating from v5.44 downgraded version to the re-released build of v5.46, I am getting (now and then) attempts to contact [analytics.ff.avast.com] even when privacy options and version update check are disabled/unticked. Never happened in v5.44 though so I want to downgrade back again but apparently Piriform doesn't keep previous versions around at all.

Looking for ccsetup544pro.exe

all the free versions of CC are available at FileHippo.

then you make it the Pro version by typing in your license info.

Thx. Works.

no worries.