Solution to trigger cleaner/registry together from Recyle bin context menu.

Respected Piriform and forum members,

Elegant solution to trigger cleaner/registry with one click from Recyle bin context menu.

If this is already available as some “patch” or script, dedicated for CCleaner, I’ve certainly missed the same. So my question or suggestion follows the subject of this post.

Is there such option, from the context menu of recyle bin, when “run cleaner” is selected, where cleaning would affect both cleaner/registry together?

If not, could you kindly employ such feature for future versiona?

Thank you

Blind Registry cleaning is just asking for problems. See the advice in my signature.

Blind Registry cleaning is just asking for problems.

Indeed it is. Even though CCleaner has what many of us have considered as a gentle non-aggressive registry cleaner it could still cause issues on some systems.

Thanks for your reply Nergal and Andavari,

I fully understand the nature of your caution, which is rational and recommended.

However, I have very strict rules, and never had problems, left to my own devices, I have no fear dealing with consequences. So my question remains; is this possible to arrange with CCleaner, and in described fashion from recycle bin menu?

Probably no :)