Ok guys we have a great freeware thread(many thanks to all who contributed).
What I'm trying to do now is put a list of all the most essential software.(things like office,email, ect.) I'm not trying to say that one piece of software is better than the other or discredit anything in the freeware thread but rather do what the topic says and put together a quick place to get the most essential software.(for new pcs or someone who needs a specific thing.)
The only thing is I dont want it to be just my opinion. I want it to be as unbiased as possible. Now that faq is no where near finished yet but I hope to get it done by the end of the week.
What I want is for you to suggest more catagories of what you think are a must have type of program. If you disagree with what I have so far tell me why and give specifics.(give proof that you actually tried the programs.)
I'm also in the process of writing a few other faqs.
New spyware removal guide
maintenance guide(how to prevent spyware and how often to do what)
Those hopefully will be done by the end of the week.
I think you should do that thread up just like TwistedMetal has done with winapp2.ini. In other words lock it so that only a mod/admin can input new recommendations which would keep everything neat and tiddy and into only one post.
The only thing I don't like about the freeware thread is the other posts in there that are asking questions - keeping the thread on topic makes it much quicker and easier to use - hence my suggestion to lock the new Software FAQ.
Duh, you already locked it.
BTW, don't forget to add Personal Message links so people can easily submit recommendations!
Great idea rridgely i think categorizing the software will make it for users find a app also locking will stop it getting bloated and untidy. I don't know if possible but how about a poll so people can vote which say browser or email client is the fav so users can instantly get a idea of what one is best.
Also maybe change the description you have put next to the apps to say the first sentence from the official site for instant open office could be.
"OpenOffice.org is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, the product is free to download, use, and distribute."
Could also have a sub category for games.
Some essential apps Foxit Pdf reader, media player classic , google talk.
Well I just got done cleaning up the freeware thread. I took out discussions and questions. I might try to have it all formated the same way or something later,that takes a little longer.
What I hope to do is have it where people can suggest software on the freeware thread and have a couple of essential ones catagorized on the other one.
I'll try to find a way to put a poll somewhere in it. The only thing I dont know how I could make it where people vote on multiple things at once. I guess I could sticky a whole bunch of polls but that would be a lot of stickies. Thanks for suggestions guys.
If you think of any programs that should be add/changed or anymore catagories let me know.
You could slightly change the essential app thread for instance have category's i.e. web browsers then list firefox, opera, maxthon etc and have the title of the program linking to the official site. Also have a description on the top of the page stating how things work i.e. click on the name of the program to go the official site and remember to vote for your favourite.
I think that having an area for essential software is a great idea. Sometime ago I found Rainlendar on the Best Freeware link, at least I think that's where I found it. I think that it is a great little program, and I wouldn't want to be without it. Would you please consider adding it to your essential list?
I think this thread is unnecessary, mostly because most anyone who comes to this forum has more than a basic understanding of PC's, and therefore know already what's essential for their needs
Then, considering what's essential is more about common sense than based on opinions or favorites. For example:
Media Player Classic - all Windows PC's will come with WMP installed. There is no essential need for a substitute.
Open Office - If someone has a need for MS Office, they probably purchased it with their PC. If they develop a need later, they're unlikely to trust an open source equivalent right away for a business application. (People don't buy Excel just to play with it.) Now, if someone thinks it would be convenient to have Open Office on their PC if they want to bring work home, etc., then it's nice to have a free alternative available. Essential? Hardly.
Adobe PDF Reader/Foxit, Winzip/WinRAR - These are essential for web surfing. One is compromised by not having both.
Firefox/Maxthon/etc. - The PC comes with a browser. FF is more secure and more feature-rich. Borderline essential.
Media Player Classic is essential because not only does it play a lot more formats then wmp it also plays dvd's which wmp does not. It is also requires no installation and is a lot smaller then say vlc which has similar functionality as mpc.
can i suggest that when you link to winamp, please explain which instalation to choose. Personally, i only do the lite version, i dont like my winamp to handle video stuff. I only use it for Music files. Considering you allwase suggest the realplayer alternative and quicktime alternative, i guess you would sugest it also. I say, post a link to both the lite and full version (not the bundle, that was the worst idea ever screw you aol )
I say, post a link to both the lite and full version (not the bundle, that was the worst idea ever screw you aol )
The non-bundle version is typically what they have listed on the FileHippo.com Winamp download page, which is the reason why I download it from them, although it's easy to get the non-bundle version simply by modifying the download .exe name to for example: winamp###_full.exe
### represents the current three digit Winamp version.
This is going to be the freeware thread part II. Why don't you just put up a link to File Hippo's main page and be done with it?
And...any DVD drive that's included with a PC will have playback software. Therefore, any other player is not essential.
By essential, I mean something one needs for the PC and doesn't have. I read rridgely's post to mean the same thing. I assume he means this thread would answer the question: "I just got a PC from x company. It has x OS, x drives, x devices connected, and I plan to use it for [home business/gaming/video editing/etc.]. I haven't ordered any software for it. What else do i need?"
If rridgely has other intentions for this thread, I'll hush.
I removed the post for a reason. Englishmen for you to come back and respond to it even though it was removed was wrong as well, but Tarun you were being rude. Both of you chill out.
I started this topic so that I could get some input on my faq. So if your not suggesting a program or catagorie than dont post.
There was nothing wrong with it, he just needs to educate himself before posting inaccurate information.
Windows Media Player can play DVD's if you have a DVD drive and if it's a commercial machine (Dell, Gateway, HP, etc, etc) then they preinstalled the codec. No codec packs come with the DVD codec.
If it's not a prebuilt machine (see above), then WMP will produce an error message if there is no DVD software installed.
rridgely im sorry i replied to taruns childish post in future ill ignore him.
Software recommendations.
SuperTux is a great little stress reliever so is essential.
Sokoban YASC is another little game, good when you have a 5 minute brake, not so good at stress relieving tho as it is more then likely to cause stress the relieve it.