I downloaded CC Cleaner last night. Now Snippet tool is missing....the shortcut path no longer exists and I can no longer find the file. I tried to restore via CC and it will not restore, though I have several restore points in the last few days. I am running a Dell computer 64bit Windows Vista, SP2. Thank you
It is not in the CC Applications Tab. I have already looked.
So if you do Start-All Programs-Accessories the snipping tool is not listed there?
I am trying the Recuva program. The image is there but the shortcut no longer works.
I would not think you need to use Recuva for that.
Is it listed in Accessories? If yes, right-click on it and select 'send to desktop-create shortcut'
The image is there. The link is gone. It will not even let me do a system restore to before I installed CC Cleaner.
Let's do this slowly and clearly.
The image is where?
What link is gone?
What won't let you do a system restore?
Read here
The image is in Accessories. The link is gone. If I righ click and send to desktop, the image only arrives. If I click on the image the computer tells me it is looking for the file. It than tells me the file no longer exists. I cannot go to control panel because it no longer functions as well. C Cleaner will not let me do a system restore. If I double click on the restore point nothing happens. I cannot show you images because I no longer have the snippet tool. C Cleaner will allow me to load the system restore point. I can see it in C Cleaner tools but it will not load.
C Cleaner will allow me to load the system restore point. I am sorry NOT ALLOW me to load the system restore point
The Back Up And Restore Center link is gone as is System Restore and Windows Movie Maker. There is an image but the files are missing.
Did you use the registry cleaner part of CCleaner?
Did you have any problems which made you want to use ccleaner?
Are all your virus scans up to date and clean?
My virus scans are up to date. I downloaded cleaner because of another computer has it as well. There are no issues with that computer. It is a 32bit Windows 7 laptop. I ran the cleaner tab to just run it. The other computer never had an issue.
C Cleaner will not let me do a system restore. If I double click on the restore point nothing happens. I cannot show you images because I no longer have the snippet tool. C Cleaner will allow me to load the system restore point. I can see it in C Cleaner tools but it will not load.
Cpappalardo3, you cannot restore via CCleaner\ Tools\ System Restore. You can only view and delete older points. You must use Windows to restore and create.
On Vista and Win7 I access System Restore via the Windows key + Pause-Break key\ System Protection.
From where did you download CCleaner?
I would suggest forgetting the "shortcuts" for a moment, which I think are what you are referring to as "Images".
Have a look and see if the actual "Program Files" folders are still there and still contain the programs which appear to be missing. CCleaner shouldn't touch any "Program Files" data without being manually directed there.
Go to "C:\Program Files\Movie Maker" to begin, and double click on the folder. Inside the program files should still be there ...
Are you missing the shortcuts from your "Start Menu" initially? I'm wondering if you have the "Start Menu Shortcuts" box checked in the "Cleaner\Windows\System" section?
All your shortcuts can be replaced and the files and associated folders may have had a path or name change for some reason which is why Windows can't find them.
Have you changed any program folder locations or paths recently?
EDIT: Ninja'd me Kroozer.
@Kroozer I downloaded from the Piriform site. I will try your suggestion because the system restore link is beoken in the Start Menu. @DennisD when I click the Movie Maker app in the Program Files Folder it tells me it has been moved. I have not changed any shortcut paths recently....none at all.
Thank you all.
It does not respond to the Windows Key+Pause Break.
The Windows Key+Pause finally opened but no way to allow me to do a system restore.
just to get you going with Snipping again.
Since the Accessories section seems to have not worked for you, start Windows Explorer and go to your Windows folder, then system32 folder and find Snipping Tool.exe
right click on it and click Send To, then choose Desktop (create shortcut).
(but it is sounding like you have other issues as well)
The Snipping folder was empty. So was the Backup and Restore. It looked like a major virus, perhaps. I tried to enter safe mode and was denied that. I then simply shut it off, went to go get a pizza. I came back, turned it on, and everything thing was jake. Everything went back to normal, everything is running as it should. Still, I will run some tests and test it at school next week. Thank you all very much, have a great weekend.