sniper update

Sniper, check this out. Talk about a bad day.

Good movie. Vin Disel died just before that. :lol:

Seen it. It has happened. In the late 60's, Marine sniper Carlos Hathcock was sent to take out a VC sniper that had shot several marines at a firebase. The guy would fire one shot and disappear into the forest. This went on for a week until Hathcock got there. Hathcock and his spotter went after the guy and found his hideout. They were sure it was a trap so instead of approaching the hideout, they started circling trying to spot the guy. The VC sniper, nicknamed the Cobra Eater, fired at them striking the spotter's canteen. They kept circling until Hathcock spotted a small reflection of light, he aimed, fired and they saw the VC start flopping around, typical reaction to a head shot. When they got to the guy, the spotter picked up the VC's Mosin Nagant Model 91/30 sniper rifle and saw that the .308 Match round had gone straight through the scope tube. A few minutes later, Hathcock started shaking. His spotter asked him what was wrong and Hathcock told him that something had just registered with him. The only way his bullet could go through the center of the VC's scope would be if the VC was aiming at him at the same time. Hathcock was just a hair faster on the trigger. True story.

BTW, if you look close at my avatar, that's a 3-shot group I fired at 100 yds. with a Savage 110 Tactical with a 20" stainless fluted bull-barrel and a 4X12 Simmons scope. I was shooting Rem. Match 168gr. boat-tail hollow points. The group measured .167" c to c.

Dats my deer rifle. :rolleyes:

Great shooting. I once shot something almost that good in rapid fire with 5 rounds, and maggie's drawers with the rest. Still can't figure it out.My theory was they were in the same hole, but no one would buy it.