Small Options > Include tweak

Hi Guys,

I find the current Options > Include method of selecting a directory/file somewhat time consuming. It would be great, if when you click Add > Browse that an address field would show up at the bottom of the dialog box (same as in windows 7 for "Open With" dialog. So that I can copy/paste the location I want AND have the option to use the current Browse & Locate method.

I've thought the same for a long time as well.

One big time saver is you can also just drag 'n' drop files/folders you want included or excluded onto the Include or Exclude windows.

Oh COOL! That's even better!

I've thought the same for a long time as well.

One big time saver is you can also just drag 'n' drop files/folders you want included or excluded onto the Include or Exclude windows.

I always do that!

Except for in Windows 7...

For some reason, Windows 7 has a problem with that in CCleaner.

And it drives me nuts! LOL!