Slooooow start-up

My computer is really slow upon start-up. I dont think it's virus related cuz i just recently went thru my comp with someone on "Spyware hell" and cleaned off a bunch of stuff. I use Norton Antivirus,Ad-Aware,Spyblaster,SpyGuard,CCleaner...and i defragment monthly (when i remember)

Maybe i should be deleting/disabling some programs?....i know there are some i need,but others i'm not too sure about.


SpyGuard is a rogue program:

If you had MBAM it would have informed you about it.

I would download MBAM then update it then run a Quick scan and let it remove what it detects and a reboot may be required to remove locked files:

Ad-Aware has become a bit dated and bloated and only looks at adware that is not much of a threat these days so I would un-install that next.

How much RAM does the system have and what operating system and Service Pack are you running?

oops...i meant SpywareGuard,and Spyware Blaster.....

which were recommended downloads from the person who helped me in the "Spyware Hell" section.

448mb RAM

Windows XP Media Center Edition

version 2002

Service pack 3

My computer is really slow upon start-up. I dont think it's virus related cuz i just recently went thru my comp with someone on "Spyware hell" and cleaned off a bunch of stuff. I use Norton Antivirus,Ad-Aware,Spyblaster,SpyGuard,CCleaner...and i defragment monthly (when i remember)

Maybe i should be deleting/disabling some programs?....i know there are some i need,but others i'm not too sure about.


Hello CDS,

Welcome to the forums !!!

You have been through quite a bit recently.

Check with the person that helped you on the SpywareHell forum. You may have something to cleanup after using all that "virus" cleaning software.

Also make sure that the settings in Norton are not causing a complete scan or something similar. This will definitely slow down your startup. If you are using Norton then be sure that no other Anti virus program is running also.

You probably installed MBAM during your anti-malware cleanup and it is an excellent product. If you purchased the complete product be sure that it is not also running with Norton running. Keep MBAM updated in case you get infected again.

There are other things that you can do later but you should do these things first .

Check back with us,

:) davey

oops...i meant SpywareGuard,and Spyware Blaster.....

which were recommended downloads from the person who helped me in the "Spyware Hell" section.

448mb RAM

Windows XP Media Center Edition

version 2002

Service pack 3

Running an XP Media Center Edition with only 512MB RAM ( 64MB used by video ) as well as Ad-Aware, Norton and SpywareGuard which is obsolete by the way will result in a slow system.

Go to Crucial and see what RAM upgrades are possible:

You don't have to purchase from Crucial but you can visit your local PC store and explain that you would like a RAM upgrade.

For $20.00 to $40.00 you can double the speed of your system.