Single use only?

I'm surprised at the required $20 donation..does this mean that I have to "donate" twice to use CCleaner on both of my home computers?

Hello Cessna, and welcome to the forum.

CCleaner is (Freeware) and you may use it free of charge on as many computers as you want.

If you find it useful and want to donate to the publisher, you can do so at

Everyone who donates ?10 ($20) or more will be sent all new releases before they're available to download on the site.

Read the CCleaner guide to familiarize yourself with the program. (see the link below)

We will be here if you have any questions.

I'm surprised at the required $20 donation..does this mean that I have to "donate" twice to use CCleaner on both of my home computers?

Hi Cessna, just to add to Jamin's post, can you tell me the site where you were required to part with a $20 donation?