"Shutdown after clean" when right-clicking system tray now sticky?

Has anyone else noticed that if you right-click the system tray ccleaner icon when it's running from a "Run CCleaner" from a right click on the recycle bin, if you choose the shutdown after clean, the next time you go to run it it will also shutdown your computer?

Just had my PC shut down on me and I believe that's why.

I noticed this too. You used to be able to checkmark "Shutdown after clean". The checkmark would toggle off for the next computer startup. Now the checkmark does not toggle off so ccleaner will run, and shutdown. This is new and makes the "Shutdown after clean" feature rather useless.

Thanks for replying. I just tried it again and confirmed that is what it's doing. That's a shame. I liked it as an option for that instance only feature. Maybe someone from Piriform will chime in on why they changed it. I don't recall seeing that in the release notes, maybe it's a bug.

The devs are aware of this and are looking into it.

Thanks Hazel, glad to hear it.