Shrink Pic, I love this app!

Periodically I run into freeware I can't live without (like CCleaner) and this is one of those apps. I know you can use your favorite photo editor or Windows or other apps to compress images but this little gem is the king. All you do is enable it and it will automatically "sense" and compress photos as you attach them to any type client. It wants to load at start up so you may want to disable that (use CCleaner) and just open it when you need it.

It's something new to me, that actually sounds pretty good if you have the control over it you say.

Can't hurt to try it, although I'll have to think of a good excuse for the next downloadaholics meeting. ;)

Thanks for that... I have XP so I use photo resizer from Microsoft powertoys

It is brilliant as you just have to right click on the pic or pics to resize. It also gives the resized pic without deleting the original. Handy if you want to email or use the pics for other programmes at a later date.

it is located at

it won't work with VISTA though so will pass your programme on to my Vista friends who seem to have problems downsizing pics (dont you love those 2mb pics)

Thanks again