Setting up DSL?

I finally got DSL!! :rolleyes:

But, of course, with my luck-I can't get it set up right. I plugged up all the filters for the phones(I'm kinda wondering if I did that right, and if the modem detects the extra cord I use as a filter since my computer is a long ways away from a phone jack). I plugged the power cord in and the Ethernet cable. I turn my computer and the DSL modem on; my computer recognizes that "A Local Area Network" cable has been detected and the AOL icon in the task bar is blue(instead of grey with a red x) and it says that a connection is available-which means that I am online when I used dial-up. I opened up AOL, changed the connection to Broadband, but when I tried to sign stayed at the first step which was something like "Looking for AOL IP/ITP(I completely made up those letters, I remember an I and a T though).

Does anyone know what is wrong? I checked all the cables, and I can't find anything seriously wrong that could do this-although the plug in my wall is a little loose, but dial-up seemed to connect fine. Thanks

I'm pretty sure I have some of the easiest questions-in the Hardware section- to a few of you guys, but I'm still learning. ;)

I opened up AOL, changed the connection to Broadband, but when I tried to sign stayed at the first step

Did you create a new location (on the aol sign on screen) and if you did, did you get the message 'AOL has detected broadband' when it searched for a way to connect?

What firewall are you using and does it connect if you turn off your firewall? I know my Sygate stopped me connecting when I first got DSL, to sort it I had to go into the options and untick 'Enable driver level protection'.

I had a similar problem connecting up our broadband/ADSL router/modem.

Q. The modem should have lights 1. Power 2. various network ones 3. Internet 4. DSL (or similar)

Are the DSL & Internet lit up?

A. Try moving the ADSL/Router to the phone socket and connect with a shorter lead, watch the lights,

Q. Do DSL & Internet light up, if so you need a shorter lead, for some reason. It worked for me.

If not wait for more help, or contact AOL for help.

NOTE: I don't use AOL so cant comment directly to your problem.

It can also happen if you're using their software and an .exe file is blocked by a firewall. I found out if I try to install my Qwest DSL using the MSN Premium that it won't even install or will take literally about an hour before it detects the modem, but if I select Other ISP which only install Qwest QuickCare I don't have any problems (although I don't know if I'm supposed to do it that way, but hey I don't want MSN on my system anyways).

JDPower: I clicked Sign On Options, and clicked "Check for HighSpeed Internet". That's what the book said to do, and what the woman on the phone said when my mom ordered it. It detected Broadband, like the book said it would, but it never connected. I am using Norton, and I never tried turning off my firewall to connect. I'll try that. ;) I think before, I kept getting kicked off of AOL, and when I made an exception for AOL in my Windows Firewall options, it stopped. I noticed that it is set up for Local Area Connection, Netzero(my old ISP-which sucked), and The Internet. But, then I also noticed that I have it turned off, so it can't be that.

fireryone: Yes, it has lights. From left to right: Power, Ethernet, USB, DSL, Internet. When I turn it on, the Power light, Ethernet light and DSL light are on....and blinking. The USB light won't ever cut on because I'm not using a USB cord, and I never got to get online for the internet light to turn on.

andavari: I don't think it's being blocked by my firewall, since I've been using AOL for awhile.

I also thought that because I have DSL, and that I was always connected, I didn't have to have my ISP program running to get online, but Firefox wouldn't connect either. :angry: Thanks.

I got it working now. I let the modem set few extra minutes, and the internet light came on. I tried firefox again, but it said I needed to set up my Verzion DSL account....I did it...and now I'm on. :D Thanks you guys.

Hows your speed?

Hows your speed?

Download= 738 KB/s

Upload= 130 KB/s

That can't be right. :blink:

Download= 738 KB/s

Upload= 130 KB/s

That can't be right. :blink:

Why, what are you on, 1Mb? I remember when we went onto 1MB DSL it ran at that sort of speed for a few days (to make sure its stable or something) before being bumped up to its proper speed, shouldn't be the case for you as you've been on for a few weeks now. Check it on a few speed test sites to make sure its not one site giving a bad speed, if its wrong on all give your provider a call to make sure theres no issues

Speed test sites:

Also if your in the UK check to see if your exchange is having problems:

Also if your in the UK check to see if your exchange is having problems:

That's a good link JD, I found something out about my exchange I didn't know about.

This is a great site if you're in the UK. The forums here are very comprehensive.

Thanks Woody :)

Download= 738 KB/s

Upload= 130 KB/s

That can't be right. :blink:

You need to pick a site close to you, usually recommends one with a different color.

Why, what are you on, 1Mb? I remember when we went onto 1MB DSL it ran at that sort of speed for a few days (to make sure its stable or something) before being bumped up to its proper speed, shouldn't be the case for you as you've been on for a few weeks now. Check it on a few speed test sites to make sure its not one site giving a bad speed, if its wrong on all give your provider a call to make sure theres no issues

Speed test sites:

Also if your in the UK check to see if your exchange is having problems:

I used Internetfrog, and it gave me:

Download: 665,536 bps

Upload: 115,576 bps

QOS: 81%

RTT: 88 ms

MaxPause: 110 ms

You need to pick a site close to you, usually recommends one with a different color.

I did; I'm in Richmond, VA, and it recommended Washington, DC.

I don't know the speed I'm supposed to have. My mom ordered the DSL, and they just sent me one. I don't think she really had a choice for anything.

Also if your in the UK check to see if your exchange is having problems:

That is a fantastic link JD. Ive got a minimum of 2.2 Mbps at the moment, which I`m quite happy with, but I now know from your link that my local exchange (Durham), is being upgraded to 8 Mbps in the very near future.

Interesting though, that at this moment in time my Download Speed is 1996 Kbps, and my Upload Speed is 242 Kbps. Thanks XPSP2 for the link:


Edit: Did another check here:

And my speeds are actually a bit higher than is usual with 2.2 Mbps.

The Think Broadband Site is the best in the UK for anything ADSL related. It has been around for years and is highly respected. One of the mods (Mr Saffron) is frequently on TV discussing broadband issues. Until very recently it used to be called

If you're in the UK I can't recommend this site highly enough.

That is a fantastic link JD. Ive got a minimum of 2.2 Mbps at the moment, which I`m quite happy with, but I now know from your link that my local exchange (Durham), is being upgraded to 8 Mbps in the very near future.

Interesting though, that at this moment in time my Download Speed is 1996 Kbps, and my Upload Speed is 242 Kbps. Thanks XPSP2 for the link:


Edit: Did another check here:

And my speeds are actually a bit higher than is usual with 2.2 Mbps.

No problem.

Sometimes can be useful to see if comp. is working right. Just have to keep in mind time of day, weather etc... These things will affect speed. Using to compare, do so at same time of day you used before. also stores previous tests although I don't know how many or for how long. Using a different connection point on their site makes a difference as well. If I use Toronto, Ontario, Canada(one hundred miles from here) I get just under 10Mb/s, if I choose one way down south, usually drops to about 2Mb/s.

Download= 738 KB/s

Upload= 130 KB/s

That can't be right. :blink:

here is mine:


Signed up for a Home 512/128 connection so not too bad I suppose.

here is mine:


Signed up for a Home 512/128 connection so not too bad I suppose.

I'd say that is pretty good. I don't think I've ever seen the actual as there is going to be a little bit of a loss somewhere. Not even my providers test has given me the actual.