Serious Subject

I usually try to post items that are humorous or that deal with PCs, but I read this last night and I couldn't believe this could be happening. I'm not sure if this post is "political" or not and normally I wouldn't post something political because people have strong opinions and sometimes the discussion can become heated.

This article describes an Army directive that states soldiers are forbidden to wear body armor they purchased or that friends or relatives have purchased and sent to them. It also describes the severe consequences if they do.

I ceased long ago to be surprised at any government directive or political literature.

Just this week in one of our UK newspapers, was an article about how the government has spent quarter of a million pounds on literature advising old people about the correct wearing of slippers!

Oh I can totally believe that, i just read the first paragraph though. But in the military, mostly early in bootcamp, they emphasize equality, and to go out to war and be "safer" than your fellow soldier is out of the question. This could also come in ties with the dress codes, my father being a retired marine, i went to the MCX (marine corp exchange) which is basically a huge store with lowered prices, for the military members. In the clothes section of the store they had under armor, which was at very low prices I must say, but on the rack it had a sign that said this apparel is not accepted by the Marine Corp and any soldier wearing it would be violating the dress code. So the dress code and unity could be a big factor with this dragon skin. Also if he gets knocked out they dont want the enemy getting it... i guess?

I would have never thought of the equality of safety issue, that's a very good point and makes sense. I wonder if a better equipped soldier would be assigned more dangerous duty, which would probably lessen or eliminate any advantage better armor would provide.

Thanks for the info, very interesting.

If we insist on going to war from time to time, it is imperative tha our troops have all the protection modern technology has to offer. Having survived a shot in the head and chest from a russian AK-47 I am an advocate of armor. It is hard to carry around with a full combat load, but there is no better alternative.

crazy! Gunner, I know you're a marine, so did this happen like, operation desert storm in the early 90's.

And most (or all) of our soldiers are equipped with body armor, made with reinforced kevlar, in the front of the chest.