After download and restart, the icon disappeared. Then when I clicked on the programme, a message popped up that the file could not be found. Looked in the start>programs and there is was, however the exe was missing as well. I could still find in in the 'Programs' folder, however it would not uninstall!
I had to use 'Command" prompt to delete folder since the 'Delete' function within folder would not work. I kept getting a pop up that I was not authorised to delete folder...even as Admin!
Reinstalled and after restart same issues. It is function from the Programs folder, yet clearly it has issues. And for the first time it actually deleted all my saved content from Unity Web Player.
In all the years I have used CCleaner, this has to be the most disappointing and bug ridden release yet!
Hazelnut brings up a good point since there are every now and then false positives due to the included Google software. I would expect an antivirus to trigger on blocking a file, but then again some could do so quietly and the logs would have to be looked over to see if it's blocking silently.
Version 4.11 seems to have serious issues. My entire Accessories folder was corrupted with missing files, nearly rendering my computer useless. I had to initiate a System Restore which restored me to V4.10 which is fine. 4.11 seems half baked at best. Webroot never had any conflicts with CC in prior installs thus I cannot say that this time was any different. Regardless, I will await the next upgrade as I am truly disappointed in the productivity lost during this episode.
As you say the CCleaner program was never actually run in the normal way, it is difficult to say that it could have caused the issues that you said you encountered. Just installing CCleaner cannot corrupt system folders unless you are...
1 Either already infected
2. Your av or security suite reacts adversely to the install.
We have had no other reports of any issues like you describe with this version.
If at any point you feel like troubleshooting, make a restore point (or image) and install the slim build and try again with 4.11
Version 4.11 seems to have serious issues. My entire Accessories folder was corrupted with missing files,
Absolutely impossible for the internal code in ccleaner to do this. Ccleaner works with a detect a remove set of rules, based of the location of the files; these rules can be seen by running ccleaner with a /export command-line switch
If it's the Accessories folder as in the one on the Start Menu those are shortcuts in there. An anomaly I suppose is possible when it comes to shortcuts since I've had them before on multiple occasions with a few different cleaning softwares thinking valid shorts were broken when they weren't.