September Desktops

Another month, another thread to show off your marginally different desktops... Ok I'm kidding but lets see some crazy stuff this time, you people are starting to bore me. :lol:

Oh and DennisD won the poll last month(I personally think he cheated but thats just me...).

Step it up so he cant cheat this month too! :lol:

The desk I am currently using.

I know the date on the desktop says August, but I am still using it so...


Full view

I'll be sure to post some good ones. :>

Heres the one I've been using since yesterday.





My old PIII



Simple. Found it at Dark Roasted Blend. That's a great site to peruse through on Sunday mornings with a few cups of java.

Years ago ('98?) I played a great adventure game. (It was part of a trilogy, of course I can't think of the main title right now :rolleyes: )

A lot of the game explored the 3 famous castles created by the "Mad Baron" of Bavaria, one of them being Neuschwanstein. Nicely done photorealistic renderings of some of the completed rooms.


I really like some of the new styles for bbclean.


Newer one.


Something different:

I am very sorry DennisD, but that desk is horrible hehe.

I just hate spiders...yeez

I am very sorry DennisD, but that desk is horrible hehe.

I just hate spiders...yeez

What can I say?

Hehe, nice vid..I am more a cat person myself :)



What theme is that?

I am very sorry DennisD, but that desk is horrible hehe.

I just hate spiders...yeez

Hey mr.b, I'm pleased you disliked it. :D

Just thought I'd throw a scary one in while I'm working on the real one.

What theme is that?

gNIGHT from deviantART. One of my favourite visual style with SlanXP (ver. 2 and 3).

Look into the light.



It's kind of mesmerizing. B)

Looks like your Oma Tietokone and your Lataukset fell out of your Roskakori. :blink: