Send Files

Found this web site where you can sign up for a free file upload and download account. You can upload any size file and it send a email with a download link to the person you want to receive it. Only limits are the file wil only stay on the server for 3 days and can only be downloaded 3 times and you have to share bandwidth with other nonpaying users.

Too bad it isn't more like ImageShack or where no account is needed.

DjLizard suggested this in another thread, and I thought it was cool. You don't need to register, but I don't think that you can email.

I'm not totally against registration though, because it helps you keep track of your uploaded documents.

I like yousendit.

Fast, no sighn up, files can be downloaded 20 times.

Don't like the look of that site at all I'm afraid.

I find the fastest file transfers are done with hardware. :)

This made me smile from the site

Security guards patrol our data center inside the building and outside the building, and monitor the facility with cameras 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Also it has prices, the free is a trial.

Hazel - I'm surprised you haven't locked this thread from two necro-postings.


Hazel - I'm surprised you haven't locked this thread from two necro-postings.

Yup, definitely slacking lol

Oh well, you cannot win them all!!

The deed is done.