As I use CCEnhancer with in tandem with CCleaner, it would be very useful to have the option to either:
1. Select multiple cleaning options to enable / disable via CTRL or SHIFT selecting so that I don't have to uncheck / check every single box every time.
2. Set the default global cleaning option state to checked or unchecked.
I know you can sort of pre-configure CCleaner via the INI file to remember your selections but they quickly become outdated when running the program on a new PC with different software installed.
Enhancer questions aren't answered here, you'll have too remove it before we can provide aid
His suggestions actually don't pertain explicitly to CCEnhancer, more-so just with large numbers of entires (available in heavily loaded vanilla machines)
Agree on the first point,
second one I'm not sure I understand. You want to mass-enable/disable all entries at once? You can enable/disable the entire tab at once (Applications/System) by right clicking on the tab, if that helps.
Oh, I didn't know you could do that. Thanks, Winapp2.ini!
Yes, my first point still stands, though.
Selecting multiple options at once should just queue them similar to enable/disable all, to properly account for warnings that may present themselves (IMO)