Seeing all the network

Modem - router- switch- 3 xp on"mshome" - 3 xp on "workgroup"

I just set up two more XP boxes on my "workgroup" lan.

Normally when I explore My Network Places, The screen opens with all the computer names and their shares.

On the new builds, when I right click explore in My Network Places, I get a mostly empty screen with the defaults=

My Network Places- Entire Network- Microsoft Terminal - Microsoft Windows Network- and Web client .

SO.. I go Entire Network- Microsoft Windows Network. It only shows the 3 workgroup computers no mshome ones.

When I right click on My Network Places explore, I want all the computers to show up.

What am I missing or not turning on?

As far as I know each computer on the network has to have exactly the same workgroup name in order to be able to see each other.

Some info here

As far as I know each computer on the network has to have exactly the same workgroup name in order to be able to see each other.

Some info here

Thanks Hazelnut for the link. That link is for people who cant see other comps on the network.

What I have is not a problem- it is an annoyance.

Instead of one right click [network places explore] to see all the comps , I need to click 4-5 clicks. :P

edit: got it!

right click my network places-explore-tools-folder options-view. then check the top box

[Automatically search for Network folders and printers]

It all worked out good in the end :)