Secure Overwrite Checked/Highlighted Not Working

I can't secure overwrite checked or secure overwrite highlighted when I finish scanning recuva. The text remains grey, not black. I included a screen shot of this. In the past I could securely overwrite without a problem, but now I can't. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.


Because these files are, as it states, not deleted. You can't delete a live file with Recuva. That's CC's job.

I'd also add that the higlighted file in your screenshot is a "Windows.old" file.

Because you have Windows 10 you should not try and delete "Windows.old" files using CC or anything else other than Windows itself.

That function has been removed from CC because Microsoft changed the way it handles those files and removing them prematurely can 'break' Win 10.

Use the built in Disk Cleanup or Storage Sense to remove them.